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Partially Available Expressions and Dynamic Paths

We perform a bit-vector based dataflow analysis pass to determine which expressions are partially availalble. The following is the formal definition of the analysis:

Direction Forward
Lattice {0,1}
Top 0
Bottom 1
Meet Union
Initialization Out(B) ={}, for all basic blocks, B
Transfer Function Out(B) = AvLoc(B) U (In(B) - Kill(B))
  where AvLoc(B) is a locally available expression

In addition to computing which expressions are partially available, the algorithm also computes information for detecting the dynamic path. Each expression that is partially available is associated with a predicate that determines whether the expression has been computed earlier or not. For example, if the expression is locally available in a block, then predicate for the expression is the predicate that determines whether this block itself is executed or not. The predicates that determining whether a basic block is executed or not can be statically computed based on the control-dependence graph. At a meet point, the predicate for an expression is the union of the predicates of the paths along which it is available.

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Girish Venkataramani 2003-04-14