Navigating your account in Linux
Editing your program
Compiling your program
Running your program
Accessing your Andrew files using ssh
how to hand in your program
Open up a Terminal window to access the Linux command prompt. (Unlike
typical graphical interfaces for operating systems, here you are entering
commands directly to the OS and can change hundreds of options to give
finer control of what you're doing.) On the Linux machines in the computer
labs in Gates (rooms 5205, 5201, and 3000), you can access a Terminal
window using the Applications --> Accessories menus.
In the Gates computer labs, your terminal window will give you a prompt
and you will be in your home directory in your Andrew account. Type
ls (to list files) to see what files and directories are there.
Back in the day, we used to call folders "directories". To move to another
directory, use the cd command (for "change directory"):
cd private
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY NOTE: You should store your program files inside the
directory (or a subdirectory inside this directory) since this
directory is automatically set to prevent viewing by other users. Remember
that you should protect your code from being viewed by other students as
part of the academic integrity policy for this course.
Since you will write a number of programs for this course, it pays to make
a subdirectory inside the private directory. Once you cd
into the private directory, make a new directory named 15123:
mkdir 15123
Now go into this directory using cd again:
cd 15123
To go back up one directory if you need to, use this command:
cd ..
You can go up two directories and down another directory (e.g. public)
like this:
cd ../../public
If you ever get lost while you change from one directory to another, you
can use pwd to find your present working directory. Or if you
want to go back to your home directory, simple type:
You can also access any directory from your home directory using the shell
variable $HOME or the "tilde" character ~. For example, you
can get to your 15123 directory from any directory on Andrew by typing this:
cd $HOME/private/15123
or this:
cd ~/private/15123
Remember that you must log out from the computer in the Gates lab. Closing
the terminal window is not enough! To log out, go to the System menu
and choose Log Out. You don't want others accessing your account if you
leave yourself logged in.
COURTESY NOTE: In the Gates labs, if you don't use your lab computer
for a set period of time, the screen saver will launch and you can't
access the terminal unless you type your password in. Some students have
left the computer this way so they can "reserve" the machine for
themselves later. If we find a machine in screen saver mode and no user
at that terminal, we will automatically log you out so you may lose work
if you're not careful. Please be considerate of others and don't lock the
Computing Services - Unix Help Page
You can use any editor you wish to write and edit your programs but we
highly recommend you try out emacs since this editor can do much more than
just help you edit your code (as you will see).
To set up emacs for your Andrew account, you will need to create a file
named .emacs in your home directory. You can do this with emacs:
type some thing
Save the file and exit emacs (if desired).
When you want to edit a program now, you can enter emacs specifying the
file name you want to edit. You should be in the directory where the file
is or should be (to keep things simple for now). For example, to open the
file test.c in emacs, you'd go to the directory where this file should be
stored and enter:
emacs test.c
If the file exists, it will be loaded into the emacs editor. If the file
does not exist, you will get a blank editor to start typing in the code.
Now to compile your code, go to the directory that contains your C code
and type:
gcc filename.c
If your code compiles without syntax errors, then you will just get the
Linux prompt back. If there are syntax errors, you will get one or more
(ugly) messages. The key here is to look at the first message for the
line number where things started to go wrong.
If your program has more than one file, simply list the files one at a
time on the command line when you compile (with dynamic checking if
gcc filename1.c filename2.c filename3.c
Once your program compiles without syntax errors, it will generate an
executable file in the same directory named a.out. To run this
program, type:
This command says to look in the current directory (.) and run a.out.
Normally the system doesn't look in the current directory for executable
programs unless you have "." in your PATH.
If you compiled your program with the -d option, then your
program will run and all contracts/annotations will be checked during
runtime. Examine your output for runtime and logical errors and for
contract violations. If you have any, go back to edit your code again with
emacs, save the file, recompile and run again.
In some cases, when you run your program, you will need to specify
additional command line options (similar to when you compiled your
program). Look for further instructions in these cases.
You can always access your Andrew files on the Andrew Linux server in the
Gates labs (rooms 5205, 5201, and 3000) when the labs have no classes
scheduled. In addition, you can access your files via ssh in
several ways. ssh (secure shell) a protocol for securely logging
into remote servers like the Andrew system
Windows machines: Download a free ssh client like PuTTY. When you
log in, specify the server
Mac and Linux machines: Open up a terminal window and run this
ssh -l yourusername
and enter your password when prompted to log in. (Your machine might ask
if you want to add the server to a list of known hosts; if so, answer
Navigating your account in Linux
Editing your program
emacs test.c
Compiling your program
Running Your Program
Accessing your Andrew files using ssh