CS294-3: Algorithms in the Real World (Guy Blelloch, Fall 97)

Topic 9: Indexing and Searching
[ Topics |
Scribe Notes |
Readings |
Text Books |
Links ]
Indexing 1 (draft) (Helen Wang)
Indexing 2 (draft) (Ben Horowitz)
Evolutionary Trees and Indexing 3 (draft) (Amar Chaudhary)
Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, and Timothy C. Bell.
Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
Chapter 3: Indexing
Christos Faloutsos.
Searching Multimedia Data Bases by Content.
Kluwer Academic, 1996.
Frakes and Baeza-Yates (ed.).
Information Retrieval: Data Structures and Algorithms.
Prentice Hall, 1992
Frants V. J., Shapiro J., Voiskunskii V. G.
Information Retrieval Theory and Methods
Academic Press, Aug 1997.
Lesk M.
Practical Digital Libraries Books, Bytes & Bucks
Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1997.
Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis and Retrieval
of Information by Computer.
Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Sparck Jones K. and Willett P. (editors).
Readings in Information Retrieval.
Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1997.
Ian H. Witten, Alistair Moffat, and Timothy C. Bell.
Managing Gigabytes: Compressing and Indexing Documents and
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
Digital Libraries
The digital libraries initiative. Includes projects
at Carnegie Mellon U., Stanford U., UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara,
U. Illinois, U. Michigan.
Digital Library Related Information and Resources
Systems for Indexing/Searching your own site
A long list of indexing/search engines that can be used to search
your own site.
Web Site search engines. A nice overview of the various
search engines available for indexing your own site
Information on Web search engines
Lycos: Design choices in an Internet search service
Other relevant info
The Text Retrieval Conference (TREC).
"The goal of the conference series is to encourage research in information
retrieval from large text applications by providing a large test collection, uniform scoring procedures, and a
forum for organizations interested in comparing their results." Sponsored by NIST and DARPA.
Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)
J. Kleinberg.
Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment.
This is the paper that David Wagner discussed in class.
Back to the Algorithms in the Real World home page.
Guy Blelloch,