WOPA'99 Program

Workshop on Parallel Algorithms

May 4-5, 1999

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Held as part of ACM's
Third Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC)

Tuesday May 4, 1999

2:00pm - 4:00pm Session I                                

4:30pm - 5:25pm Session II

Wednesday May 5, 1999

8:30am - 9:25pm Session III                                

10:00am - 11:20am Session IV                                

2:00pm - 3:50: Session V                                

4:30pm - 5:20pm: Session VI                                

Workshop Information

WOPA'99 is part of The Third Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC). The constituent meetings of FCRC partially overlap in time to facilitate the interaction of the researchers from different fields of computer science and engineering and to expose them to a broad range of research. WOPA'99 is sponsored by the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).

Program Chair: Guy Blelloch (Carnegie Mellon University)
General Chair: Uzi Vishkin (University of Maryland)

Home Page: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~guyb/wopa99/cfp.html

Advisory committee:
R.M. Karp (U. Washington)
K. Mehlhorn (Max Planck Inst.)
M. O. Rabin (Harvard U.)
V.L. Ramachandran (U. Texas)
J.H. Reif (Duke U.)
B. Smith (Tera)
L. G. Valiant (Harvard U.)
Steering committee:
G. Blelloch (CMU)
R. Cole (NYU)
J. Demmel (UC-Berkeley)
U. Vishkin (U. Maryland)

Guy Blelloch
Last modified: Fri Apr 9 12:04:22 EDT 1999