Crown Inspection Mobile Platform
A prototype remote inspection vehicle shown here on top of a Boeing 747
in the hangars of Northwest Airlines in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr.
Gunatilake provides a sense of scale as he double checks a suspect
which was first viewed through the stereoscopic inspection camera.
This vehicle is wireless, controlled by conventional R/C radios.
It consists of:
- Two wheel trucks for moving the arch fore and aft
- A stalk which moves radially -- port and starboard
- A sensor head which rides on the surface of the aircraft and
contains a closeup stereoscopic camera, lights, &c.
- A proprioceptive stereoscopic camera mounted to the upper part
of the stalk which turns with the sensor head
Images are relayed to an inspectors' workstation where a StereoGraphics
Corporation CrystalEyes system allows the inspector to both maneuver
vehicle as well as inspect the aircraft skin.

Stereoscopic view from the Tail

Mr. Podnar about to accompany CIMP onto the upper section of a 747.
CIMP was designed for the curvature of a DC-9 but also worked well on
larger aircraft.
The arch is very stiff and lightweight, and can be broken down into
short segments.
This prototype is made of three overlapping layers of honeycombed
A production unit will employ honeycombed aluminum.

Early CAD representation of CIMP on a DC-9.