JAWJAW: Java Wrapper for Japanese WordNet

日本語 | English
Last modified: 2013-03-20


JAWJAW (JAva Wrapper for JApanese Wordnet) is a Java API for Japanese WordNet (wn-ja) database (which also contains Princeton's English WordNet v3.0) that offers access to lexical knowledge of a given word such as hypernym, hyponym, definition, translation (English <--> Japanese).

It's an API that hides the wn-ja DB schematic details from the programmer side. We provide both the simple API for general Java programmers and more fine-grained API for Natural Language Processing (NLP) application developers.

Simple API

Just call methods in the façade class. You can see the list of available methods here.

Sample code:
public class SimpleDemo {
	private static void run( String word, POS pos ) {
		// Accessing Japanese WordNet from the façade class called JAWJAW
		Set<String> hypernyms = JAWJAW.findHypernyms(word, pos);
		Set<String> hyponyms = JAWJAW.findHyponyms(word, pos);
		Set<String> consequents = JAWJAW.findEntailments(word, pos);
		Set<String> translations = JAWJAW.findTranslations(word, pos);
		Set<String> definitions = JAWJAW.findDefinitions(word, pos);
		// Showing results. (note: polysemies are mixed up here)
		System.out.println( "hypernyms of "+word+" : \t"+ hypernyms );
		System.out.println( "hyponyms of "+word+" : \t"+ hyponyms );
		System.out.println( word+" entails : \t\t"+ consequents );
		System.out.println( "translations of "+word+" : \t"+ translations );
		System.out.println( "definitions of "+word+" : \t"+ definitions );		
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Showing a demo for "買収"(verb) which means to acquire
		SimpleDemo.run( "買収", POS.v );


API for NLP Application Developers

In this API, you can get the raw content from the DB through DAO (Data Access Objects).

Data model:
Here's the domain model diagram generated from the Japanese WordNet DB schema. The API provides each data class and its DAO. Domain attributes "pos", "link" and "lang" are implmented as Enum class.

Available concept relationships:
Here's a summary of concept relationship "links" stored in the synlink table. (As of wn-ja v0.9)

link link description #
also See also 2692
syns Synonyms 0
hype Hypernyms 89089
inst Instances 8577
hypo Hyponym 89089
hasi Has Instance 8577
mero Meronyms 0
mmem Meronyms --- Member 12293
msub Meronyms --- Substance 979
mprt Meronyms --- Part 9097
holo Holonyms 0
hmem Holonyms --- Member 12293
hsub Holonyms --- Substance 797
hprt Holonyms -- Part 9097
attr Attributes 1278
sim Similar to 21386
enta Entails 408
caus Causes 220
dmnc Domain --- Category 6643
dmnu Domain --- Usage 967
dmnr Domain --- Region 1345
dmtc In Domain --- Category 6643
dmtu In Domain --- Usage 967
dmtr In Domain --- Region 1345
ants Antonyms 0

Total number of concepts/words are:
  • 49,190 concepts (called synsets in WordNet)
  • 85,966 words
  • 156,684 word definitions (pairs of word and synset)

Sample code:
public class AdvancedDemo {
	private static void run( String word, POS pos ) {
		// Access the Japanese WordNet DB and process the raw data
		List<Word> words = WordDAO.findWordsByLemmaAndPos(word, pos);
		List<Sense> senses = SenseDAO.findSensesByWordid( words.get(0).getWordid() );
		String synsetId = senses.get(0).getSynset();
		Synset synset = SynsetDAO.findSynsetBySynset( synsetId );
		SynsetDef synsetDef = SynsetDefDAO.findSynsetDefBySynsetAndLang(synsetId, Lang.eng);
		List<Synlink> synlinks = SynlinkDAO.findSynlinksBySynset( synsetId );
		// Showing the result
		System.out.println( words.get(0) );
		System.out.println( senses.get(0) );
		System.out.println( synset );
		System.out.println( synsetDef );
		System.out.println( synlinks.get(0) );
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Showing a demo for "自然言語処理"(noun) which means NLP
		AdvancedDemo.run( "自然言語処理", POS.n ); 



Refer to this page.


How to use

Download the DB from Japanese WordNet website and put it under the src/main/resources directory, e.g. "src/main/resources/wnjpn.db" (not wnjpn-0.9.db). It works on JDK 5 or later. To compile and get libraries (i.e. sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar, junit-4.7.jar), we recommend you use Maven2. With the provided pom.xml file, you can easily compile and solve dependencies with "mvn compile" and sanity-check the code with "mvn test".

Version history

Future works


Hideki Shima at Carnegie Mellon University
Email: hideki at cs.cmu.edu