Last Update on June.1st, 1999

 Reseach Topics and Main Publications

Virtualized Reality

  1. H. Saito, S. Baba, M. Kimura, S. Vedula, T. Kanade, "Appearance-Based Virtual View Generation of Temporally-Varying Events from Multi-Camera Images in the 3D Room", Computer Science Technical Report, CMU-CS-99-127, April 1999. ( Post Script) ( PDF )
  2. T.Kanade, P.W.Rander, S.Vedula, H.Saito, "Virtualized Reality: Digitizing a 3D Time-Varying Event As Is and in Real Time", International Symposium on Mixed Reality(ISMR99), pp41-57, Yokohama, Japan, March 1999.
  3. Hideo Saito, Takeo Kanade, " Shape Reconstruction in Projective Grid Space from Large Number of Images", IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ( CVPR'99 ), Fort Collins, CO, June 1999.
  4. T.Kanade, H.Saito, S.Vedula, "The 3D Room: Digitizing Time-Varying 3D Events by Synchronized Multiple Video Streams", Robotics Institute Technical Report, CMU-RI-TR-98-34, December 1998.
  5. S.Vedula, P.W.Rander, H.Saito, T.Kanade, "Modeling, Combining, and Rendering Dynamic Real-World Events from Image Sequences", Proc. 4th Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM98), Vol.1, pp.326-332, Gifu, Japan, November 1998.

3D Shape Modeling from Multiple Images

  1. H.Saito, K.Omata, S.Ozawa, "Recovery of Shape and Surface Reflectance of Specular Object from Rotation of Light Source", Second International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM99), Ottawa, Oct. 1999
  2. S. Kirihara and H. Saito, "Shape Modeling from Multiple View Images Using GAs", ACCV'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1352, Vol.II, pp. 448-454, January 1998.
  3. H. Saito and M. Mori, " Object Modeling from Multiple Images Using Genetic Algorithms", 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Vol. IV, pp.669-673, Wien, 1996.8.
  4. H. Saito, H. Kawamura, and M. Nakajima, "3D Shape Measurement of Underwater Objects Using Motion Stereo", 21th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, , Orlando, pp.1231-1235, Nov.1995.
  5. H. Saito, N. Tsunashima, "Superquadrics Parameter Estimation from Shading Images Using Genetic Algorithm", 20th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Bologna, Vol. 2, pp.978-983, Sept. 1994. (3rd Best Paper Award)
  6. H. Saito and N. Tsunashima, "Estimation of 3D Parameteric Models from Shading Image Using Genetic Algorithms", 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, pp.668-670, Oct. 1994.

Human Face/Hand Image Processing

  1. H.Saito, A.Watanabe, S.Ozawa, " Face Pose Estimating System based on Eigen Space Analysis", International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP99), Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1999
  2. T. Minagawa, H. Saito and S. Ozawa, "Face-Direction Estimating System Using Stereo Vision", IECON97, New Orleans, 1997.
  3. Suzuki, K.; Saito, H.; Ozawa, S., Estimation of face orientation from shading images, Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Part C, vol.117-C, no.10, p. 1377-83, 1997 [in Japanese]
  4. Y. Suzuki, H. Saito, and S. Ozawa, "Extraction of the Human Face from Natural Background Using GAs", 1996 IEEE TENCON -Digital Signal Processing Applications-, Vol.1, pp.221-226, Perth, 1996.11.
  5. Kenichi Nirei, Hideo Saito, Masaaki Mochimaru, and S. Ozawa, "Human Hand Tracking from Binocular Image Sequences", 22th International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, pp.297-302, Taipei, 1996.8.

Shape Recovery of Rare Book Surface

  1. M. Kashimura, T.Nakajima, N.Onda, H.Saito, S.Ozawa, "Practical Introduction of Image Processing Technology to Digital Archiving of Rare Books" , Internationa Conference on Signal Processing Application Technology (ISPAT98), Toronto, Oct., 1999
  2. Seong Ik Cho; Saito, H.; Ozawa, S., Shape recovery of book surface using two shade images under perspective condition, Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Part C, vol.117-C, no.10, pp. 1384-90, 1997
  3. S.I.Cho, H. Saito, and S. Ozawa, "Divide-and-conquer Strategy in Shape from Shading Problems", IEEE CVPR97, pp. 413-419, Puerto Rico, June 1997.

Shape Recoverfy of Skin Surface

  1. T.Yamada, H.Saito, S.Ozawa, "3D Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Image Sequence", IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA98), Chiba, Japan, November 1998.
  2. A. Matsumoto, H. Saito, and S. Ozawa, "3-D Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Photometric Stereo Images with Specular and Inter Reflections", The 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics, and Vision (ICARCV'96), Vol.2, pp.778-782, Singapore, Dec.1996.
  3. H. Saito, Y. Somiya, and S. Ozawa, "Shape Reconstruction of Skin Surface from Shading Images Using Simulated Annealing", ACCV95, Singapore, Vol.III, pp.348-352,Dec.1995.

Image Blur Correction

  1. T. Sato, H. Saito, S. Ozawa, Masatosi Komatsu, Akira Kobayashi, and Motohisa Sato , Motion Blur Correction of License Plate Images on Running Vehicle, Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan C, Vol.117-C, No.6, pp.777-784, 1997.[in Japanese]
  2. S. Hashimoto and H. Saito, "Restoration of shift variant blurred image estimating the parameter distribution of point-spread function", Systems and Computers in Japan, vol.26, no.1, p. 62-72, 1995.
  3. H. Saito and M. Nakajima, "Shift Variant Blind Deconvolution for Blurred Binary Image", 4th International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, San Fransisco, pp.732-739, Sept. 1993.

Application of Genetic Algorithms

  1. H. Shiraki and H. Saito, " An Interactive Image Retrieval System Using Genetic Algorithms", International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia '96 (VSMM '96), pp. 257-261, Gifu, 1996.9.
  2. Hideo Saito, and Masayuki Mori, "Application of genetic algorithms to stereo matching of images", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.16, pp.815-821, 1995.
  3. N. Kobayashi and H. Saito, "Halftoning Technique Using Genetic Algorithm", 1994 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, Adelaide, Vol.5, pp. 105-108, April 1994.
  4. H. Saito and N. Kobayashi, "Evolutionary Computation Approaches to Halftoning Algorithm", The First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Orlando, Vol.2, pp.787-791, June 1994.
  5. H. Saito and K. Usami, "Shape from Shading Using Genetic Algorithm", 1993 International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Hawaii, pp.1620-1625, Nov. 1993.

Computer Tomography

  1. H. Kawamura, H. Saito, K. Yuasa, Y. Yuge, and M. Nakajima, "High-Speed Imaging System of Luminous Intensity Distribution of Plasma Using Light Emission CT", Optics Communication, Vol.119, pp.197-206, Aug. 1995.
  2. H. Saito, K. Fujita, and M. Nakajima, "Magnetic Field Imaging by CT Technique - ROI Reconstruction System-", Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.24, No.5, pp.93-103, 1993.
  3. H. Saito, H. Hatanaka, and M. Nakajima, "Motion Image Reconstruction of Luminous Intensity Distribution of Plasma Using Light Emission Computed Tomography", 1992 International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, Instrumentation, and Automation, pp.1608-1612, Nov. 1992.
  4. H. Saito, R. Kusaba, M. Nakajima, and S. Yuta, "Magnetic Field Imaging by CT Technique", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-23, No.5, pp.2587-2589, Sept. 1987
  5. H. Saito, A. Miyamoto, T. Morozumi, S. Yuta, and M. Nakajima, "Reconstruction of Magnetic Flux Density as Vector Quantity by CT Technique", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.IM-38, No.2, pp.415-420, Apr. 1989.
  6. H. Saito, F. Saito, S. Yuta, and M. Nakajima, "High Speed Data Collection System for Magnetic Field Imaging by CT Technique", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.IM-39, N0.5, pp.739-744, Oct., 1990.

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