My research is at the intersection of educational technology, cognitive science and machine learning. I develop learning platforms in several STEM domains and analyze student models from fine-grained log data to drive effective and inclusive interventions.
As a fun trivia, my machine learning class note is the top result when searching for "introduction to machine learning note" on Google. 😺
08/2018 - 02/2024
Decimal Point is an educational game which has taught decimal numbers and operations to more than 1,700 middle school students. In addition to exploring the effects of student agency, learning versus enjoyment, self-explanation and ChatGPT-generated feedback, among other topics, my thesis work showed that the game can consistently help bridge the gender gap in math education, allowing girls to catch up to boys in math learning and affect.
03/2020 - 08/2023
11-637 is a master-level data science class, taught every semester at CMU since 2020. As one of the course founders, I led a team of 12 research assistants in developing the hands-on coding projects from the grounds up. While managing and running the course, I also conducted research on automated data science code grading and quiz question generation with GPT models.
@inproceedings{nguyen2024examining, title={Examining the Trade-Offs Between Simplified and Realistic Coding Environments in an Introductory Python Programming Class}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Bogart, Christopher and Šavelka, Jaromír and Zhang, Adam and Sakr, Majd}, booktitle={European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={315--329}, year={2024}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/ECTEL2024_ExaminingThe.pdf} } @inproceedings{ni2024investigating, title={Investigating Racial and Ethnic Differences in Learning with a Digital Game and Tutor for Decimal Numbers}, author={Ni, Xiaolin and Nguyen, Huy A. and Else-Quest, Nicole and Pagano, Alessandro and McLaren, Bruce M}, booktitle={European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={330--343}, year={2024}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/ECTEL2024_InvestigatingRacial.pdf} } @article{li2024citizen, title={Citizen Art: A Creative Mural Project for Community Building}, author={Li, Na and Xie, Jingyi and Nguyen, Huy A. and Cai, Jie and Carroll, John M}, journal={The Journal of Community Informatics}, volume={20}, number={1}, year={2024}, url={papers/JCI2024_CitizenArt.pdf}, pages={130--158} } @inproceedings{richey2024understanding, title={Understanding Gender Effects in Game-based Learning: The Role of Self-explanation}, author={Richey, J Elizabeth and Nguyen, Huy A. and Mehrvarz, Mahboobeh and Else-Quest, Nicole and Arroyo, Ivon and Baker, Ryan S and Stec, Hayden and Hammer, Jessica and McLaren, Bruce M}, booktitle={International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={206--219}, year={2024}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/AIED2024_UnderstandingGender.pdf} } @article{bereczki2024mindfulness, title={Mindfulness in a digital math learning game: Insights from two randomized controlled trials}, author={Bereczki, Enikő Orsolya and Takacs, Zsofia K and Richey, J Elizabeth and Nguyen, Huy A. and Mogessie, Michael and McLaren, Bruce M}, journal={Journal of Computer Assisted Learning}, year={2024}, publisher={Wiley Online Library}, pages={1567--1590}, url={papers/JCAL2024_MindfulnessIn.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2023evaluating, title={Evaluating ChatGPT's Decimal Skills and Feedback Generation in a Digital Learning Game}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Stec, Hayden and Hou, Xinying and Di, Sarah and McLaren, Bruce M.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={278--293}, year={2023}, organization={Springer}, url = {papers/ECTEL2023_EvaluatingChatGPT.pdf}, award={best-paper} } @inproceedings{nguyen2023gender, title={Gender Differences in Learning Game Preferences: Results Using a Multi-dimensional Gender Framework}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Else-Quest, Nicole and Richey, J Elizabeth and Hammer, Jessica and Di, Sarah and McLaren, Bruce M.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={553--564}, year={2023}, organization={Springer}, url = {papers/AIED2023_GenderDifferences.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2023assessing, title={Assessing the Quality of Multiple-Choice Questions Using GPT-4 and Rule-Based Methods}, author={Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Chen, Tianying and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={229--245}, year={2023}, organization={Springer}, url = {papers/ECTEL2023_AssessingQuality.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2023writes, title={Who Writes Tomorrow’s Learning Activities? Exploring Community College Student Participation in Learnersourcing}, author={Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Bier, Norman and Domadia, Tanvi and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, International Society of the Learning Sciences}, year={2023}, url = {papers/ICLS2023_WhoWrites.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2023crowdsourcing, title={Crowdsourcing the Evaluation of Multiple-Choice Questions Using Item-Writing Flaws and Bloom’s Taxonomy}, author={Moore, Steven and Fang, Ellen and Nguyen, Huy A. and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale}, pages={25--34}, year={2023}, url = {papers/LS2023_CrowdsourcingEvaluation.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2023examining, title={Examining the Learning Benefits of Different Types of Prompted Self-explanation in a Decimal Learning Game}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Hou, Xinying and Stec, Hayden and Di, Sarah and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={681--687}, year={2023}, organization={Springer}, url = {papers/AIED2023_ExaminingLearning.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2022round, author = {Nguyen, Huy A. and Hofman, Jake M. and Goldstein, Daniel G.}, title = {Round Numbers Can Sharpen Cognition}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450391573}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, doi = {10.1145/3491102.3501852}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, articleno = {375}, pages = {1--15}, location = {New Orleans, LA, USA}, series = {CHI '22}, url = {papers/CHI2022_RoundNumbers.pdf} } @article{nguyen2022impact, title={The Impact of Gender in Learning with Games: A Consistent Effect in a Math Learning Game}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Hou, Xinying and Richey, J Elizabeth and McLaren, Bruce M}, journal={International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL)}, volume={12}, number={1}, pages={1--29}, year={2022}, publisher={IGI Global}, url={papers/IJGBL2022_ImpactGender.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2022investigating, title={Investigating the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on a Digital Learning Game for Mathematics}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Takacs, Zsofia K. and Bereczki, Enikő O. and Richey, J. Elizabeth and Mogessie, Michael and McLaren, Bruce M.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={762--767}, year={2022}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/AIED2022_InvestigatingEffects.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2022towards, title={Towards Generalized Methods for Automatic Question Generation in Educational Domains}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Bhat, Shravya and Moore, Steven and Bier, Norman and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={272--284}, year={2022}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/ECTEL2022_TowardsGeneralized.pdf} } @inproceedings{na2022picturing, author = {Li, Na and Romera Rodriguez, Guillermo and Xu, Yuqiao and Bhatt, Parth and Nguyen, Huy A. and Serpi, Alex and Tsai, Chunhua and Carroll, John M.}, title = {Picturing One's Self: Camera Use in Zoom Classes during the COVID-19 Pandemic}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450391580}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, doi = {10.1145/3491140.3528284}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale}, pages = {151--162}, location = {New York City, NY, USA}, url = {papers/LS2022_PicturingOne.pdf}, award = {best-paper} } @inproceedings{moore2022assessing, title={Assessing the Quality of Student-Generated Short Answer Questions Using GPT-3}, author={Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Bier, Norman and Domadia, Tanvi and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning}, pages={243--257}, year={2022}, organization={Springer}, url={papers/ECTEL2022_AssessingQuality.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2022leveraging, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Stamper, John}, title = {Leveraging Students to Generate Skill Tags that Inform Learning Analytics}, year = {2022}, publisher = {International Society of the Learning Sciences}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences}, pages = {791--798}, url = {papers/ICLS2022_LeveragingStudents.pdf} } @inproceedings{sankaranarayanan2022, author = {Sreecharan Sankaranarayanan and Lanmingqi Ma and Siddharth Reddy Kandimalla and Ihor Markevych and Huy A. Nguyen and R. Charles Murray, Christopher Bogart and Michael Hilton and Majd Sakr and Carolyn Rose}, title = {Reflection “in the flow” of Collaborative Programming: Designing Efficient and Effective Collaborative Learning Activities in Advanced Computer Science Contexts}, year = {2022}, publisher = {International Society of the Learning Sciences}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning}, pages = {67--74}, url = {papers/CSCL2022_ReflectionCollaborative.pdf} } @inproceedings{mclaren2022digital, title={A Digital Learning Game for Mathematics that Leads to Better Learning Outcomes for Female Students: Further Evidence}, author={McLaren, Bruce M. and Richey, J. Elizabeth and Nguyen, Huy A. and Mogessie, Michael}, booktitle={European Conference on Games Based Learning}, volume={16}, number={1}, pages={339--348}, year={2022}, url = {papers/ECGBL2022_DigitalLearning.pdf} } @article{mclaren2021instructional, title = {How instructional context can impact learning with educational technology: Lessons from a study with a digital learning game}, author = {McLaren, Bruce M. and Richey, J. Elizabeth and Nguyen, Huy A. and Hou, Xinying}, journal = {Computers & Education}, volume = {178}, pages = {1--20}, year = {2022}, issn = {0360-1315}, doi = {}, url = {papers/CE2022_HowInstructional.pdf} } @inproceedings{moore2021examining, title={Examining the Effects of Student Participation and Performance on the Quality of Learnersourcing Multiple-Choice Questions}, author={Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale}, pages={209--220}, year={2021}, url = {papers/LS2021_ExaminingEffects.pdf} } @article{hou2022assessing, title={Assessing the effects of open models of learning and enjoyment in a digital learning game}, author={Hou, Xinying and Nguyen, Huy A. and Richey, J. Elizabeth and Harpstead, Erik and Hammer, Jessica and McLaren, Bruce M.}, journal={International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education}, volume={32}, number={1}, pages={120--150}, year={2022}, publisher={Springer}, url = {papers/IJAIED2021_AssessingEffects.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2021exploring, title={Exploring Metrics for the Analysis of Code Submissions in an Introductory Data Science Course}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Lim, Michelle and Moore, Steven and Sakr, Majd and Nyberg, Eric and Stamper, John}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics \& Knowledge}, year={2021}, organization={ACM}, url={papers/LAK2021_ExploringMetrics.pdf}, pages={632--638} } @inproceedings{moore2020utilizing, title = {Utilizing Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling to Generate Knowledge Components for Math and Writing Problems}, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Stamper, John}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education}, pages={31--40}, url = {papers/ICCE2020_UtilizingCrowdsourcing.pdf}, award = {honorable-mention} } @inproceedings{nguyen2020moving, title={Moving beyond Test Scores: Analyzing the Effectiveness of a Digital Learning Game through Learning Analytics}, year={2020}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Hou, Xinying and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M.}, url={papers/EDM2020_MovingBeyond.pdf}, pages={487--495} } @inproceedings{moore2020evaluating, title = {Evaluating Crowdsourcing and Topic Modeling in Generating Knowledge Components from Explanations}, author = {Moore, Steven and Nguyen, Huy A. and Stamper, John}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {papers/AIED2020_EvaluatingCrowdsourcing.pdf}, pages = {398--410} } @inproceedings{hou2020exploring, title = {Exploring How Gender and Enjoyment Impact Learning in a Digital Learning Game}, author = {Hou, Xinying and Nguyen, Huy A. and Richey, J. Elizabeth and McLaren, Bruce M.}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {papers/AIED2020_ExploringHow.pdf}, pages = {255--268} } @inproceedings{nguyen2019using, title={Using Knowledge Component Modeling to Increase Domain Understanding in a Digital Learning Game}, year={2019}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Wang, Yeyu and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M.}, url={papers/EDM2019_UsingKnowledge.pdf}, pages={139--148} } @inproceedings{wang2019learning, title={How Does Order of Gameplay Impact Learning and Enjoyment in a Digital Learning Game?}, author={Wang, Yeyu and Nguyen, Huy A. and Harpstead, Erik and Stamper, John and McLaren, Bruce M.}, year={2019}, organization={Springer}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, url={papers/AIED2019_HowDoes.pdf}, pages={518--531} } @inproceedings{harpstead2019exploring, title={Exploring the Subtleties of Agency and Indirect Control in Digital Learning Games}, author={Harpstead, Erik and Richey, J. Elizabeth and Nguyen, Huy A. and McLaren, Bruce M.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics \& Knowledge}, pages={121--129}, year={2019}, organization={ACM}, url={papers/LAK2019_ExploringSubtleties.pdf}, award={honorable-mention} } @inproceedings{nguyen2018using, title={Using Student Logs to Build Bayesian Models of Student Knowledge and Skills}, year={2018}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Liew, Chun W}, pages={397--403}, url={papers/EDM2018_UsingStudentLogs.pdf} } @inproceedings{nguyen2018student, title={Student Agency and Game-Based Learning: A Study Comparing Low and High Agency}, author={Nguyen, Huy A. and Harpstead, Erik and Wang, Yeyu and McLaren, Bruce M.}, year={2018}, organization={Springer}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education}, pages={338--351}, url={papers/AIED2018_StudentAgency.pdf} }
[pdf] | Adele Smolansky, Huy A. Nguyen, Rene F. Kizilcec and Bruce M. McLaren. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Educational Technology Research and Development. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 57-62. |
[pdf] | Huy A. Nguyen, Shravya Bhat, Steven Moore and John Stamper. Towards Automated Generation and Evaluation of Questions in Educational Domains. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 701–704. |
[pdf] | Bruce M. McLaren, J. Elizabeth Richey, Huy A. Nguyen, Michael Mogessie. Focused Self-Explanations Lead to the Best Learning Outcomes in a Digital Learning Game. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, pp. 1229–1232. |
[pdf] | Huy A. Nguyen, Yuqing Guo, Vy Nguyen, J. Elizabeth Richey, Bruce M. McLaren. Evaluating a Framework for Learning Problem-Solving Flexibility in Non-routine Mathematics. In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, pp. 1249–1252. |
[pdf] | Huy A. Nguyen, Yuqing Guo, John Stamper, Bruce M. McLaren. Improving Students’ Problem-solving Flexibility in Nonroutine Mathematics. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 409-413. |
[pdf] | Steven Moore, Huy A. Nguyen, John Stamper (2020). Towards Crowdsourcing the Identification of Knowledge Component. In Proceedings of the Seventh (2020) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, pp. 245-248. |
[pdf] | Steven Moore, Huy A. Nguyen, John Stamper (2020). Crowdsourcing Explanations for Improving Assessment Content and Identifying Knowledge Components. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, pp. 2627-2628. |
[pdf] | Cheyeon Ha, Xinying Hou, Huy A. Nguyen, Judith Odili Uchidiuno (2020). Increasing Children’s Knowledge of Pattern Detection and Skip Counting Using a Tablet-based Math Activity. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, pp. 1725-1726. |
[pdf] | Chun W Liew, Huy A. Nguyen (2018). Determining What The Student Understands - Assessment In An Unscaffolded Environment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pp. 339-344. |
[pdf] | Chun W Liew, Huy A. Nguyen (2017). Assessing Student Answers to Balanced Tree Problems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 523-525. |