Fast Block Copy in DRAM

Ningning Hu & Jichuan Chang

{hnn, cjc}



Although many techniques have been exploited to improve the DRAM performance, the ratio of processor speed to DRAM speed continues to grow rapidly, which makes the DRAM a performance bottleneck in modern computer systems. In this report, we explore the possibility of implementing fast block copy operation in DRAM. By writing data in another row during DRAM refreshing period, we can copy a whole row of data in only two memory cycles. In order to quantify the usefulness of such an operation, we first studied the memory copy behavior of typical applications. Aligned and unaligned row copy and subrow copy instructions are then implemented in SimpleScalar 2.0. The performance improvement of our benchmarks and SPECint95 are measured and analyzed.

1. Introduction

DRAM has been used as main memory for over 20 years. During this time, DRAM density has increased from 1kb/chip to 256Mb/chip, a factor of 256,000, while the latency of DRAM access has only been reduced to 1/10. The ratio of processor speed to DRAM speed in modern computers continues to grow rapidly. All these make the DRAM a performance bottleneck of modern computer system.

One possible way of improving DRAM performance is to exploit the wide bandwidth within DRAM chip (2-3 orders of magnitude larger than CPU-memory bandwidth), to copy large amount of data quickly in a single DRAM chip. Such operations can occur in a DRAM read cycle. In a traditional DRAM chip, a row of bits is read into a latch upon a RAS signal. After reading the individual bit within this row, the latched row must be written back to the same row (since reading operation is destructive). If we can write the content of latch into an arbitrarily specified row in the same DRAM chip when refreshing, we can actually copy hundreds of bytes of data in just two DRAM cycles.

Memory copy operations (memcpy(), bcopy(), etc) are intensively used in text processing application, networking services, video/image streaming and operating systems, with different block sizes and alignment property. In our project, we focus on the opportunity and usefulness of fast block copy operations in DRAM. This report will introduce our implementation of DRAMs supporting fast block copy and the simulation results using fast block copy operations.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we will discuss related works. In section 3, we describe the methodology used in our experiments. In section 4, we will briefly introduce traditional DRAM organization and how to extend the DRAM hardware to support different kinds of block copies. In section 5, we present the experiment results and our analysis. In section 6, we suggest future directions and conclude.

2. Related works

Many techniques have been used by memory manufactures to improve the performance of DRAM. Extended data out (EDO) DRAM and synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) have long been popular. Advanced interface technologies, such as Rambus RAM (RDRAM), RamLink, and SyncLink are quickly emerging. Application-specific memories, such as cache DRAM (CDRAM), enhanced DRAM (EDRAM), video DRAM (VRAM) [3, 4], and Synchronous Pipelined DRAM (SPDRAM) [5], have achieved better performance in their intended area.

The research community also proposed novel methods to integrate DRAM with computation logics. For example, The Computational RAM (C-RAM) brings SIMD computation logic into DRAM by implementing the logic-in memory at sense-amps [10]. The Intelligent RAM (IRAM) architecture merges the processor and memory into a single chip to reduce memory access latency, increases memory size while saving power consumption and board area [9].

There are also many conventional methods to improve the performance of block copy operations. Non-blocking caches allow the processor to overlap cache miss stall times with the block movement instructions [11]. Data prefetching are also used to improve the performance of block copy. Usually the data cache can be bypassed when block transfer operations are performed. [12] studies the operating system behavior of block copy within IRAM architecture, which provides complementary result with our project (due to the restriction of SimpleScalar, we can only observe the behaviors of applications in user level).

3. Methodology

We use SimpleScalar 2.0 as our simulator, in which we add an assemble instruction, blkcp. This instruction is based on the hardware support of block copy operation within DRAM chip. It can copy a whole row of DRAM to another new row during the refreshing period of DRAM operation in 2 cycles, or subrow copy in 3 cycles. We run our simulator on the office PCs: Pentium III processor running at 733MHz, with 256MB main memory.

There are at least two important factors that influent the relevance and usefulness of blkcp instructions: (1) the frequency of block copy operations in different kinds of applications, and 2) the block sizes and alignment property of these block copy operations. These data should be collected in both kernel and user modes, by observing all kinds of library functions that use block copy operations (including bcopy() and memcpy()). But currently SimpleScalar2.0 doesn’t simulate the kernel mode operations, and provides limited support of library customization on Linux platform. This has limited our approach to only observe user applications and instrument only two library functions: bcopy() and memcpy(). One possible future work should be to collect data in all possible cases, to do comprehensive simulation and analysis.

We didn’t have the chance to do detailed hardware simulation, but block diagram and sequence diagram are described in section 4 to show that the DRAM can be extended to support fast copy operations.

To start from the simplest case, we restrict that both source and destination addresses have the same offset with respect to the row size of DRAM, with which we can copy the source to destination row-by-row. But according to Figure 1, we realize that aligned whole row copy is seldom the case for real world applications. So it is necessary for us to consider how to support the unaligned whole row copy, as well as aligned or unaligned subrow copy. In our simulation experiments, we inspect the performance improvement for all these kinds of block copy operations.

Figure 1.  Block sizes of memory copy operations in GCC and Perl.

1.      Aligned row copy: In this mode, blkcp assumes the source and destination addresses are both aligned with row boundary. This is the simplest case, and it could make full use of existing DRAM hardware.

2.      Unaligned row copy: In this case, we remove the strict restriction of aligned row copy by allowing source address not be aligned with the row boundary. Consequently, for general memory copies, we could first process the beginning part of the destination, and then process the remaining memory with the aligned destination address. We will show that our design only needs three cycles to finish work[1].

3.      Subrow copy: Commodity DRAM has very large row size, for example, 1024 bits. Consequently, in the above two modes, only very few memory copies can use the blkcp instruction. To alleviate this situation, subrow copy is implemented. By using mask and shift registers in DRAM, blkcp can copy one subrow into another subrow quickly. Subrow copy can be implemented in hardware to support only aligned (with respect to 2n memory address boundary) or unaligned copy, they both can finish in three cycles. So our hardware diagram only presents the more general, unaligned case. In our software simulation, we consider both cases, the difference is that aligned subrow copy is usually used less. This is especially significant when block size is large (>64). But for our benchmarks, the difference is little. So in section 4, we present the result using unaligned copy, except explicitly mentioned (for example, in fileread).

4. DRAMs Supporting Fast Block Copy Operation

4.1. DRAM Organization and operations

In the traditional DRAM, any storage location can be randomly accessed for read/write by inputting the address of the corresponding storage location. A typical DRAM of bit capacity 2N * 2M consists of an array of memory cells arranged in 2N rows (word-lines) and 2M columns (bit-lines). Each memory cell has a unique location represented by the intersection of word and bit line. Memory cell consists of a transistor and a capacitor. The charge on the capacitor represents 0 or 1 for the memory cell. The support circuitry for the DRAM chip is used to read/write to a memory cell. It includes:

a) Address decoders to select a row and a column.

b) Sense amps to detect and amplify the charge in the capacitor of the memory cell.

c) Read/Write logic to read/store information in the memory cell.

d) Output Enable logic that controls whether data should appear at the outputs.

e) Refresh counters to keep track of refresh sequence.

DRAM Memory is arranged in a XY grid pattern of rows and columns. First, the row address is sent to the memory chip and latched, then the column address is sent in a similar fashion. This row and column-addressing scheme (called multiplexing) allows a large memory address to use fewer pins. The charge stored in the chosen memory cell is amplified using the sense amplifier and then routed to the output pin. Read/Write is controlled using the read/write logic. [1]

Figure 2. Hardware Diagram of Typical DRAM (2 N x 2N x 1)

A typical DRAM read operation includes the following steps (refer to Figure 2):

1.      The row address is placed on the address pins visa the address bus

2.      RAS pin is activated, which places the row address onto the Row Address Latch.

3.      The Row Address Decoder selects the proper row to be sent to the sense amps.

4.      The Write Enable is deactivated, so the DRAM knows that it’s not being written to.

5.      The column address is placed on the address pins via the address bus

6.      The CAS pin is activated, which places the column address on the Column Address Latch

7.      The CAS pin also serves as the Output Enable, so once the CAS signal has stabilized the sense amps place the data from the selected row and column on the Data Out pin so that it can travel the data bus back out into the system.

8.      RAS and CAS are both deactivated so that the cycle can begin again. [2]

4.2 Block Diagrams

Some important assumptions are introduced to simplify the implementation of blkcp:

·        The source and destination block are in the same DRAM chip. We currently don’t support block copy across DRAM chips.

·        There is no overlap between the source and destination blocks.

·        Blkcp operation does use register file and is not cacheable.

1M x 1 DRAM is chosen to illustrate our implementation.

Figure 3.  DRAM chip supporting aligned row copy (1M x 1)

4.2.1 Aligned DRAM Row Copy

The block diagram of DRAM is shown in Figure 3. We add two new components in DRAM chip: a Buffer Register and a MUX (multiplexer). The Buffer Register is used to temporarily store the source row, and the MUX is used to choose the write back data used in refresh period: under normal condition, column latch should be chosen to refresh, but during row copy mode, WS is raised and Buffer Register is chosen. Steps of copy operation are listed in the table below. It could finish block copy in 2 cycles:






Fit A0-A9 with SRC row address

Raise RAS

Column latch and row buffer now contains the source row data

Raise R/W

Refresh the SRC row (column latch write back to SRC)


Fit A0-A9 with DST row address

Raise RAS


Raise R/W, raise WS

Data in SRC is written back to DST when refreshing.

4.2.2 Unaligned DRAM Row Copy

The DRAM block diagram supporting unaligned row copy is included in Appendix A (Figure A1). More hardware are added, including one shift register, two mask register, one buffer register, one OR logic and one MUX. As the source address is not aligned, we need 2 cycles to read out a row size buffer before write to the destination row. Steps of copy operation is show below:





Fit A0-A9 with SRC’s row address

Raise RAS

Column latch and Shifter Reg. store the SRC row

Raise R/W

Shift Reg. shifts SRC’s data to the higher half and transfer to Mask Reg1.

Column latch is written back to cell array (refresh)



Fit A0-A9 with the next row address

Raise RAS

Mask Reg.1 make the lower half bits with 0, and write its content to Buffer Reg.

Column latch and Shifter Reg. store the SRC row


Raise R/W, raise L/S

Shift Reg. shift the row content to the lower half and transfer to Mask Reg.2

Column latch is written back to cell array (refresh)



Fit A0- A9 with DST row address

Raise RAS, raise L/S

Mask Reg.2 clear the higher bits

Mask Reg. 2 stores later half or SRC data that will be written back to DST row.

Raise R/W, raise WS

Buffer Reg. “OR” Mask Reg2

Combined SRC row is written to DST row


4.2.3 DRAM Subrow Copy

In this mode, part of the source row (eg. 32b of the 1024b in a row) can be copied into a subrow destination. It assumes that both the source subrow and the destination subrow stay within a single row, that is, they don’t cross the row boundary. The DRAM chip diagram is shown in Appendix A (Figure A2). The design is similar to that of unaligned row copy DRAM. Steps of copy operation is show below:





Fit A0-A9 with row address

Raise RAS

Mask Reg is filled with the src row

Fit A0-A9 with src subrow column address

Raise CAS, and R/W

Mask Reg set the other bits other than the source subrow with 0

Raise SRC signal for MUX1

Column latch is written back to cell array (refresh)

Shift Reg. is filled with the source subrow


Fit A0-A9 with DST’s subrow address

Raise RAS

Mask Reg is filled with DST’s data

Fit A0-A9 with the DST column address

Raise CAS

Shift Reg. shift SRC to DST’s column address

Mask Reg fill the DSR with 0

Raise DST signal for MUX1

Shift Reg. is filled with shifted SRC data; Buffer Reg. is filled with masked DST data.



Fit A0- A9 with DST address

Raise RAS, and R/W

Combine Buffer Reg. and Shift Reg. using OR

Raise WS

Subrow SRC is written into DST

5. Simulation Results and Analysis

5.1 Simulation Method

5.1.1 Extending the Simulator

SimpleScalar2.0 is used to simulate the effect of our new block copy operations. We add an instruction (blkcp) into SimpleScalar’s instruction set, so that assembly programmer can use it to do fast block copy. Two commonly used block copy functions (bcopy() and memcpy()) are re-implemented using blkcp instruction, the SimpleScalar library is updated so that C program can use blkcp by calling the library functions. The implementation is described as below:

a.      Add blkcp into SimpleScalar’s instruction set architecture

In SimpleScalar2.0, assembly instruction is defined as a C procedure [8]. For example, in the aligned row copy case (block size = 1024 bytes), blkcp can be defined as following:

DEFINST(BLKCP,                  0x2e,

        "blkcp",                "t,o(b)",

        WrPort,                 F_MEM|F_LOAD|F_STORE|F_DISP,

        DCGPR(BS), DNA,         DGPR(RT), DGPR(BS), DNA,

        ({int index;

          for (index=0; index<1024; index++)




b.      Modify library functions to utilize the new instruction

In Linux, memory copy operations are achieved by calling library function memcpy() and bcopy(). We rewrite them using blkcp, and replace the SimpleScalar library using their new implementations. Our experiences (which are later confirmed by SimpleScalar’s authors) show that it is hard to rebuild the Glib in SimpleScalar2.0, so we simply substitute memcpy.o and bcopy.o in the precompiled library libc.a of SimpleScalar2.0. Our selected benchmarks are linked with new library to use blkcp.

An effective way to implement block copy is to simply do a small number of byte copies at the block’s beginning and ends, so that there is a maximal destination blocks aligned in the middle part. Our memcpy() and bcopy() function implementation follows this method. It first judges whether it’s beneficial to use blkcp instruction. For example, in aligned row copy, it should check that: (a) memory block to be copied includes at least one physical row (not just larger than the row size); (b) source and destination addresses have the same row offset. For operation satisfying the requirements, block copy will use blkcp; otherwise the data are copied byte-by-byte (or word-by-word).

   If (src and dst meet requirements) {

         // non-overlap, and buffer long enough

         copy beginning (or ending) unaligned bytes;

         block copy the aligned chucks using blkcp;

         copy remained unaligned bytes;


   else {     

         do memory copy byte-by-byte;


5.1.2 Relevant Metrics

In our experiments, we focus on three performance metrics: (1) Total number of instructions executed (IN); (2) Total number of memory references (MRN); (3) Total number of blkcp used. IN and MRN could not reflect the performance changes directly, because blkcp may need two or three cycles to finish, and this can’t be reflected in SimpleScalar. Actually, execution time and memory operation time are the best metrics to evaluate the performance improvement. But both of them could not be used as performance metrics in SimpleScalar2.0. Because, in SimpleScalar2.0, each instruction is implemented in the form of C procedure, and one instruction assumed to finish in one cycle actually uses a few lines of C code, which uses several real machine cycles and makes the real execution time meaningless. Anyway the frequencies of operations still provide much information about the performance.

5.1.3 Benchmark

A suitable benchmark for our experiments should meet three requirements:

(1)   Use a lot of block copy operations;

(2)   Block size are large enough to utilize our blkcp instruction;

(3)   Can be built on SimpleScalar 2.0 to use the special version of bcopy() & memcpy().

So far, we haven’t found such a benchmark that satisfies these requirements simultaneously. We have tried to use SPECint95 as our benchmarks. But for the eight of benchmarks that we could get source code, only four could be rebuilt (the others need libraries which are not supported by SimpleScalar), and only one of them has enough block copy operations to be used in our experiments. We also tried other benchmarks (such as SPLASH – water and ocean), but similar problems remain. Due to above limitations, we have to write our own benchmarks. Although self-designed benchmarks have many problems in terms of generality and comparability, they are useful for us to get the idea about how and when the block copy scheme can improve the performance. Below we will briefly introduce our benchmarks:


This benchmark will simulate the behavior of execution of memory intensive application. It mainly uses two classes of instructions: arithmetic/logic and load/store. The runtime execution times of ALU/MEM instructions are chosen randomly (but reasonably large). We wan to test the adaptability of blkcp to various block sizes using this benchmark. Below shows its pseudo-code:




pick a random number n1 from 100 to 100,000;

do ALU operations by n1 times;

fill source buffer;

pick another random number buf_len from 1 to 2048;


/* des, src aligned with the biggest possible row size */

memcpy(dst, src, buf_len);      



This benchmark is used to simulate the behavior of a networking server, for example http or ftp server. It is known that, a genetic http server (support static content only) could be implemented as following. In step (b), (c) and (d), there are generally a lot of memory copy operations carried out by the operating system to move data between buffers.



(a) listen for request, parse and check access rights

(b) read static file;

(c) transform the content into desired format;

(d) send the result back to client;


To our surprise, we also found that when the application’s read buffer is large enough (20 Bytes in SimpleScalar’s Glib implementation), fread() also calls memcpy() to transfer data from system buffer to local buffer. Since all our source data are big files whose length are large enough, a lot of memcpy() operations occur. To simplify the analysis and isolate the effect of blkcp on file system, we write the fileread benchmark, which only reads files. It is more general because file reading is heavily used in both kernel mode and user mode.


Perl is the only benchmark chosen from SPECint95. It is a Perl language interpreter, which reads in a Perl script and executes it by interpretation.

5.2. Result and Analysis

In out experiments, we combine the data get from the three block copy modes. The experiment result with block size of 1024 is collected using whole row block copy; others are using subrow copy. Whether aligned or unaligned copy is used will be specified explicitly. Below we will discuss different benchmarks respectively.

5.2.1 Memcopy

As memcopy only involves aligned block copy, it is used to get the best performance improvement that can be expected. Experimental data are shown in Figure 4. We can see that both IN and MRN are greatly reduced, performance is improved by terms of 2 to 30!

But the improvement is not monotonic: it is the best when block size is 16 bytes and 32 bytes. Because when block size is small (eg, 4 bytes or 8 bytes), most of memory copies could make use of blkcp, but the total number of blkcp used is also large (Fig 4c). On the other hand, when the block size is large (eg, 512 bytes or 1024 bytes), blkcp could copy a lot of memory once, but only can be used less frequently, and a large portion of block copy is realized byte-by-byte. The bigger the block size, the more bytes has to be treated in the normal way, that’s why the performance get worse when block size is too large. The top line shows our implementation of naïve memcpy algorithm (copy byte-by-byte), which has a large amount of memory operations.








Figure 4. Experimental results of memcopy using unaligned blkcp.  In (a) and (b) the top line doesn’t use blkcp, the lower curve is the result using blkcp. The x-axe represents the size of block supported by blkcp.


5.2.2 Fileread

Figure 5 shows the results of fileread, the curves are very similar with the aligned mode in Figure 4. The results from fileread tell us that, in the normal programs, unaligned blkcp could achieve good improvement for those systems having intensive memory operations (say, by reading large files).


Figure 5. Experimental results for fileread, using unaligned blkcp. In (a) and (b) the top line is the data got without using blkcp, the lower curve is the one using blkcp. The x-axe represents the size of block supported by blkcp.

Figure 6. Experimental results for fileread, using aligned blkcp. In (a) and (b) the top line is the data got without using blkcp, the lower curve is the one using blkcp. The x-axe represents the size of block supported by blkcp.

In the aligned case (Figure 6), although for all different block sizes, there are significant performance improvements, especially when the block size is 4 bytes and 8 bytes. The reason is that the system buffer used in fread() can be actually aligned or unaligned to different block size, and is not controlled by user application. When the I/O buffer addresses are only aligned with 8, but the block size of blkcp is 16 bytes or larger, memcpy() can seldom use blkcp, as illustrated by Fig 6c[2]. Consequently, both IN and MRN for those large block sizes are much larger than those of 4 bytes and 8 bytes.

The experiment results for the aligned case actually vary with different executions (some time block size of 16 bytes or even 32 bytes also improves performance significantly). And Figure 6 is a typical execution snapshot selected among them. It strongly suggests that if the operating system can intentionally allocate buffer aligned with the block size of blkcp, the kernel mode performance will also be improved.

5.2.3 Perl

Figure 7 shows the result of Perl. For this benchmark, performance improvement is not obvious, because there is only a small fraction (compared with memcopy and fileread) of memory copy operations and the block sizes are usually within 64 (Figure 7d). What makes thing worse is that this benchmark failed to finish its execution when the block size is 4, 32, and 64 bytes, which are marked with hollow triangles in Figure 7. We hypothesize that some execution mechanisms in Perl conflict with the design of SimpleScalar in these three cases.

Omitting those wrong data, we still could find that, within the range of the buffer size, blkcp indeed improves the performance, but rather small compared with memcopy and fileread.

Figure 7. Experimental results for perl, using unaligned blkcp. In (a) and (b) the top line is the data got without using blkcp, the lower curve is the one using blkcp. The x-axe represents the block size supported by blkcp. Hollow triangles are incomplete execution results.


6. Conclusion

Our experiments show that for those systems frequently using large block memory copy operations, blkcp could indeed improve the performance significantly, just as illustrated by our first two benchmarks. It also suggests that the performance of block copy in operating system, such as in file systems, memory management subsystem, networking protocol stacks, can be also significantly enhanced. But for the applications in which memory copy operations do not dominate the performance overhead, we could not expect such optimistic improvement by just using block copy.

There are also some limitations in our approach. First, we did not consider the overhead caused by the introduction of new hardware in our design. Currently, we haven’t test the feasibility of our hardware design, but it’s apparent that to implement such a DRAM chip is not easy or cheap. Also, as we only consider one memory bank in our design, interleaved memory organization is ignored in our study. The restriction of our simulator also limit the scope of our study, currently only user mode applications are simulated, and little improvement has been achieved on most conventional benchmarks. Some people might say that the result is too conservative because we only modified the implementation of bcopy and memcpy used by user application, while others might say that our result is too optimistic because our own benchmark stress block copy operations too much. We should consider combining the user and kernel mode simulation and much realistic benchmarks in future research.

It’s still difficult to conclude whether the hardware cost of such a block copy operation could be justified. But we can say that in some cases, the performance improvement is really large and can be used in some domain-specific application (say, NFS). Future work should be done in comparing the result with approaches using data prefetching and non-blocking cache. Furthermore, some other logic and arithmetic operations should also be considered to make full use of the new hardware we added.



[1] Tulika Mitra, Dynamic Random Access Memory: A Survey. Research Proficiency Examination Report, SUNY Stony Brook, March 1999

[2] RAM Guide.

[3] Yoichi Oshima, Bing Sheu, Teve H. Jen. High-Speed Architectures for Multimedia Applications. Circuit & Device, pp 8-13, Jan. 1997

[4] Hiroaki Ikeda and Hidemori Inukai. High-Speed DRAM Architecture Development. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp 685-692, Vol. 34, No. 5, May 1999

[5] Chi-Weon Yoon, Yon-Kyun Im, Seon-Ho Han, Hoi-Jun Yoo and Tae-Sung Jung. A Fast Synchronous Pipelined DRAM (SP-DRAM) Architecture With SRAM Buffers. ICVC, pp 285-288, Oct, 1999.

[6] Doug Burger, Todd. M. Austin. The SimpleScalar Tool Set, Version 2.0. University of Wisconsin-Madison Computer Sciences Department Technical Report #1342, June, 1997.

[7] Todd M. Austin. Hardware and Software Mechanisms for Reducing Load Latency. Ph.D. Thesis, April 1996.

[8] Todd M. Austin. A Hacher’s Guide to the SimpleScalar Architectural Research Tool Set.

[9] David Patterson, Thomas Anderson, Neal Cardwell, Richard Fromm, Kimberly Keeton, Christoforos Kozyrakis, Randi Thomas, and Katherine Yelick. A Case for Intelligent RAM: IRAM. IEEE Micro, April 1997.

[10] Duncan G. Elliott, W. Martin Snelgrove, and Michael Stumm. Computational RAM: A Memory-SIMD Hybrid and its Application to DSP. In Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp 30.6.1-30.6.4, Boston, MA, May 1992.

[11] Rosenblum, M., et al., The Impact of Architectural Trends on Operating System Performance, 15th ACM SOSP, pp 285-298, Dec. 1995.

[12] Richard Fromm, Utilizing the on-chip IRAM bandwidth, Course Project Report, UC Berkeley, 1996

Appendix A: DRAMs supporting unaligned row copy and subrow copy

[1] The design is not symmetric, that is, if the source address is aligned while the destination is not, the chip design will be more difficult. And we also hypothesize it could not do the same amount of work as fast as our current design.

[2] Because we are not able to rebuild Glib - the library used by SimpleScalar - we could not record the real buffer addresses and buffer sizes when fread() calls memcpy().