Graduate Coursework        Undergraduate Coursework

Graduate Coursework

Fall 2006

ECE 624 Multimedia Systems - Dr. Arif Ghafoor

This course provides a general coverage of three major areas that include multimedia data management (logical and physical modeling), broadband network architectures and protocols for distributed multimedia communication, and user interface environments. Various models and specification methodologies in these areas are introduced. The discussion is augmented with various case studies.

Fall 2004

ECE 573 Compilers and Translators - Dr. Sam Midkiff

This course presents the concepts needed to efficiently design and implement translators. Basic compiler/translation theory and technology are briefly reviewed, after which the course focuses on software tools for the automatic construction of translators, as well as more complex concepts involving the construction of compiler symbol tables, etc. Using C on ECN UNIX, each student will construct a lexical-recognizer generator, parser generator, and code-generator.

MATH 575 Graph Theory - Dr. Stephen Weingram

Spring 2004

ECE 647 Advanced Computer Networks - Dr Catherine Rosenberg

The mathematical background needed for the performance and stability analysis of computer communication networks is developed. Point processes, Markov processes, and queuing processes are used in the modeling and analysis of queues, interconnected queues such as ARPANET, and random multiple access networks such as Xerox's ETHERNET. Distributed control of random access networks and centralized control of queueing networks is considered. The techniques developed are useful in the design of computer systems as well as computer networks.

Fall 2003

ECE 608 Computational Models and Methods - Dr Mithuna Thottethodi

Computation models and techniques for the analysis of algorithm complexity. The design and complexity analysis of recursive and non-recursive algorithms for searching, sorting, set operations, graph algorithms, matrix multiplication, polynomial evaluation.

ECE 565 Computer Architecture - Dr Yung-Hsiang Lu

An introduction to the problems involved in designing and analyzing current machine architectures. Major topics include performance and cost analysis, pipeline processing, vector machines and numerical applications, hierarchical memory design, and multiprocessor architectures. A quantitative approach allowing a computer system designer to determine the extent to which a design meets design goals is emphasized.

Spring 2003

CS 503 Operating Systems - Dr. Sonia Fahmy

Basic principles of operating systems: addressing modes, indexing, relative addressing, indirect addressing, stack maintenance; implementation of multitask systems; control and coordination of tasks, deadlocks, synchronization, mutual exclusion; storage management, segmentation, paging, virtual memory; protection, sharing, access control; file systems; resource management; evaluation and prediction of performance

Fall 2002

ECE 673 Distributed Computing Systems - Dr Y Charlie Hu
Project: AWACS : Adaptive workload aware clustered servers

This course covers important principles of distributed computing. As a secondary goal, students will learn how to conduct a mini research project and how to communicate technical material effectively. There will be a substantial course project. Topics include Remote procedure call, group communication, distributed shared memory, distributed file systems, WWW infrastructure, peer-to-peer systems

ECE 547 Computer Communication Networks - Dr Ness Shroff

A qualitative and quantitative study of the issues in design, analysis, and operation of computer communication and telecommunication networks as they evolve toward the integrated networks of the future, employing both packet and circuit switching technology. The course covers packet and circuit switching, the OSI standards architecture and protocols, queuing theory for performance evaluation, random access techniques, local area networks, reliability and error recovery, and integrated networks

Spring 2002

ECE 600 Random Variables and Stochastic Processes - Dr.Mark Bell

Engineering applications of probability theory. Problems on events, independence, random variables, distribution and density functions, expectations, and characteristic functions. Dependence, correlation, and regression; multi-variate Gaussian distribution. Stochastic processes, stationarity, ergodicity, correlation functions, spectral densities, random inputs to linear systems; Gaussian processes, Poisson Processes

ECE 604 Electromagnetic Field Theory - Dr. Chin-lin Chen

Review of general concepts (Maxwell's equations, materials interaction, boundary conditions, energy flow); statics (Laplace's equation, Poisson's equation); distributed parameter systems (classification of solutions, transmission lines, and wave-guides); radiation and antennas (arrays, reciprocity, Huygen's principle); a selected special topic (e.g., magnetostatics, waves in anisotropic media and optical fibers)

MA 511 Linear Algebra With Applications - Dr. Alexandre Eremenko

Real and complex vector spaces; linear transformations; Gram-Schmidt process and projections; least squares; QR and LU factorization; diagonalization; real and complex spectral theorem; Schur triangular form; Jordan canonical form; quadratic forms

Undergraduate Coursework

Semester Eight - Year 4

Electronic System Design, Industrial Automation, Data Communication, Microcomputer System Design, Project: "Simulation of Communication Networks"

Semester Seven - Year 4

Microprocessors III, Digital Communication, Electronic Instrumentation, Introduction to System Design, Microwave and Optical Communication, Project: "Simulation of Communication Networks"

Semester Six - Year 3

Analog Integrated Circuits, Designing with Integrated Circuits, Microprocessors II, Industrial Electronics, Satellite T.V. & Video Technology, Principles of Economics and Management

Semester Five - Year 3

Applied Mathematics V, Digital Integrated Circuits, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Principles of Control Systems, Microprocessors I, Signals and Systems

Semester Four - Year 2

Electronics II, C Programming, Applied Mathematics IV, Logic Circuits, Principles of Communication Engineering, Electronic Instruments

Semester Three - Year 2

Electronics I, Electrical Materials and Components, Numerical Methods, Electrical Technology and Instruments, Applied Mathematics III, Electrical Networks

Semester Two - Year 1

Applied Mathematics - II, Applied Physics II, Applied Chemistry II , Engineering Drawing II, Engineering Mechanics II, Communication Skills II, Computer Programming II, Basic Electricity and Electronics II, Basic Workshop Practice

Semester One - Year 1

Applied Chemistry I, Applied Mathematics – I, Applied Physics – I, Basic Electricity and Electronics I, Computer Programming I, Communication Skills I, Engineering Drawing I, Engineering Mechanics I, Basic Workshop Practice