
Project MiniSearch: Segmenting a word sequence into sentences (It's not sentence boundary detection.)


Hua Yu, Yik-Cheung Tam, Thomas Schaaf, Sebastian Stueker, Qin Jin, Mohamed Noamany, Tanja Schultz, The ISL RT04 Mandarin Broadcast News Evaluation System. EARS RT-04F Workshop, Palisades, NY, 2004

Hua Yu, Phase-Space Representation of Speech --- revisiting the delta and double-delta features. ICSLP, Jeju Island, Korea, 2004

Hagen Soltau, Hua Yu, Florian Metze, Christian Fuegen, Qin Jin and Szu-Chen Jou, The ISL Transcription System for Conversational Telephony Speech. ICASSP, Montreal, 2004

Hua Yu and Alex Waibel, Integrating Thumbnail Features for Speech Recognition Using Conditional Exponential Models. ICASSP, Montreal, 2004

F. Metze, Q. Jin, C. Fuegen, Y. Pan, T. Schultz, H. Yu, The ISL RT-04S Meeting Transcription System. ICASSP Meeting Recognition Workshop, Montreal, 2004

Hua Yu and Tanja Schultz, Enhanced Tree Clustering with Single Pronunciation Dictionary for Conversational Speech Recognition. Eurospeech, Geneva, 2003

Hua Yu and Tanja Schultz, Implicit Trajectory Modeling through Gaussian Transition Models for Speech Recognition. HLT-NAACL, Edmonton, 2003

Hagen Soltau, Hua Yu, Florian Metze, Christian Fuegen, Qin Jin and Sze-Chen Jou, The ISL Evaluation System for RT-03 CTS. Rich Transcription Workshop, Boston, 2003

Hua Yu and Alex Waibel, Flexible Parameter Tying for Conversational Speech Recognition. ISCA & IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition, Tokyo, 2003

Susanne Burger, Victoria MacLaren and Hua Yu, The ISL Meeting Corpus: The Impact of Meeting Type on Speech Style. ICSLP 2002, Denver.

Hagen Soltau, Hua Yu, Florian Metze, Christian Fuegen, Yue Pan and Sze-Chen Jou, ISL Meeting Recognition. Rich Transcription Workshop, Vienna, VA, 2002

Chiori Hori, Sadaoki Furui, Rob Malkin, Hua Yu and Alex Waibel, Automatic Speech Summarization Applied to English Broadcast News Speech. ICASSP02, Orlando

Chiori Hori, Sadaaki Furui, Rob Malkin, Hua Yu and Alex Waibel, Toward Automatic Summarization of English Broadcast News Speech. HLT2002, San Diego

Alex Waibel, Michael Bett, Florian Metze, Klaus Ries, Thomas Schaaf, Tanja Schultz, Hagen Soltau, Hua Yu, Klaus Zechner, Advances in Automatic Meeting Record Creation and Access. ICASSP01, Salt Lake City

Alex Waibel, Hua Yu, Martin Westphal, Hagen Soltau, Tanja Schultz, Thomas Schaaf, Yue Pan, Florian Metze, and Micheal Bett, Advances in Meeting Recognition. HLT2001, San Diego

Hua Yu, Jie Yang, A Direct LDA Algorithm for High-Dimensional Data -- with Application to Face Recognition. Pattern Recognition 34(10), 2001, pp. 2067-2070 [PS] (Matlab code available upon request)
P.S. I'm no longer tracking this field, but would recommend this followup paper (you can google it):
J. Lu, H. Plataniotis and A. Venetsanopoulos, Face Recognition Using LDA Based Algorithms, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol.14, pp. 195-200, Jan. 2003

Jie Yang, Hua Yu, William Kunz, An Efficient LDA Algorithm for Face Recognition. ICARCV2000, Singapore

Hua Yu, Alex Waibel, Streamlining the Front-End of a Speech Recognizer. ICSLP, Beijing, 2000 (4 A4 pages) [PS]

Hua Yu, Takashi Tomokiyo, Zhirong Wang, Alex Waibel, New Developments in Automatic Meeting Transcription. ICSLP, Beijing, 2000 (4 A4 pages) [PS]

Hua Yu, Unsupervised Word Induction Using MDL Criterion. ISCSLP, Beijing, 2000 (4 pages)

Ralph Gross, Michael Bett, Hua Yu, Xiaojin Zhu, Yue Pan, Jie Yang, and Alex Waibel, Towards a Multimodal Meeting Record, ICME2000, New York

Michael Bett, Ralph Gross, Hua Yu, Xiaojin Zhu, Yue Pan, Jie Yang, and Alex Waibel, Multimodal Meeting Tracker, RIAO'00, Paris

Hua Yu, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel, Progress in Automatic Meeting Transcription. Eurospeech99, Budapest, 1999 (4 A4 pages) [PS]

Hua Yu, Automatically Determining Number of Clusters. Information Retrieval (CMU CS11-741) Final Report, Apr.1998 (5 pages)
Some nice accompany pictures: TDT news corpus in a matrix, SWB text corpus in a matrix

Hua Yu, Cortis Clark, Rob Malkin and Alex Waibel, Experiments in Meeting Transcription Using JRTk. ICASSP98, 1998 (4 pages) [PS]

Hua Yu, Zhongtao Wang, A Survey on Anonymous Digital Cash Systems. (A designer's perspective on Chaum's [CFN90], Brands' [Bra93] system! Print it out if ghostview can't display it) Security and Cryptography Course Final Paper, 1997 (8 pages)

Ditang Fang, Hua Yu, Shuqing Li, Speech Recognition based on Normal Distribution Hypothesis. Intl. Conf. on Chinese Computing '94, Singapore

Hua Yu, et al. Speaker-independent Isolated Word/Phrase Recognition --- a Statistical Approach. National Conf. on Human-Machine Communication '94, Chongqing, Oct.1994