Hui Zhang
I am a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
I am also Co-Founder and CEO of Conviva Inc.
During 2000 - 2003, I was the Chief Technical Officer of
Turin Networks (merged with Force 10 Networks in 2009 and acquired by Dell in 2011).
Selected Recent Talks
Research Interests
My research interests are in Internet video, future Internet architecture, and network control archirecture and protocols.
In the past, I worked on QoS, multicast, content distribution protocols and algorithms.
Current Students
Former Graduate Students and Postdocs
- Ion Stoica, faculty member at CS, UC Berkeley. Winner of 2001 ACM Dissertation Award.
- Eugene Ng, faculty member at CS, Rice.
- Yanghua Chu, Google
- Sanjay Rao, faculty member, Purdue University.
- Kay Sripanidkulchai, TJ Watson Research, IBM.
- Aditya Ganjam, VP Engineering, Conviva.
- Andy Myers, hedge fund in NYC.
- Yinglian Xie, Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley.
- Hong Yan, Facebook.
- Vyas Sekar, Intel Labs, Berkeley.
- Franck Le, IBM TJ Watson.
- Xin Zhang, Google.
- Justin Weisz, TJ Watson, IBM Research.
- Dave Maltz , Microsofto Research.
- Jon Bennett, Riverdelta, Motorola, Harvard Ph.D student.
- John Chuang, faculty member at SIMS, UC Berkeley.
- Marco Mellia, faculty member, Politecnico di Torino.
- Donpaul Stephens, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, Violin.
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