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An Introduction to Logical Frameworks

Iliano Cervesato

Department of Computer Science
Stanford University

Dates: 14-15-16 October 1998
Time: 14:00-17:00
Place: ??
Language: The course will be taught in English, but questions in French are welcome
Prerequisites: Basic notions about logic and mainly programming languages

Formal systems such as logics, process calculi, programming languages, and security protocols are growing in complexity while the concerns about their correct behavior are becoming more stringent. Therefore, tools that automate reasoning about these formalism are expected to play an important role in their definition and analysis. Logical frameworks provide a language to represent deductive systems as well as methods to assist reasoning about them.

In this course, I will present a progression of logical frameworks of increasing expressiveness. They will range from the language of Horn clauses, the fragment of classical logic on which Prolog is founded, to the linear logical framework LLF. I will also hint at further developments currently under investigation. The course will be centered around a case-study drawn from the area of programming languages. Other examples will be analysed as (answers to) exercises.


Representation of deductive systems I (October 14)

Representation of deductive systems II (October 15)

Reasoning about deductive systems (October 16)

Course Material

Further Reading

Related Links

Iliano Cervesato ()