Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security - FCS'03
Ottawa, Canada, 26-27 June 2003

A 3-Valued Logic for the Specification and the Verification of Security Properties

Béchir Ktari (Laval University - Canada)


The main intent of this paper is the definition of a 3-valued logic for the specification and the verification of security properties. This is a part of a large initiative that we undertook a few years ago to address malicious code detection in commercial off-the-shelf software products. Building on top of the existing approaches, we have established a framework that stems from a combination of self-certified code technology and model-checking techniques. In this paper, we propose a logic with a 3-valued semantics in order to be able to reason under uncertainty. We also endow our logic with a tableau-based proof system that is proven to be finite, and to be sound and complete with respect to the denotational semantics of the logic. Furthermore, we propose some ideas that may lead to important future extensions. For instance, we show how the use of variables and types can lead to a more efficient verification.

Iliano Cervesato