Journal Papers
- Ashutosh Pandey, Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, Javier Camara, David Garlan.
Formalizing the Hybrid Planning Problem for Self-Adaptation.
In submission to the ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS). - Akshay Rajhans, Ajinkya Bhave, Ivan Ruchkin, Bruce Krogh, David
Garlan, Andre Platzer, Bradley Schmerl.
Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures [PDF] [BiBTex] [IEEE].
In the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC), volume 59, issue 12, 2014.
Conference Papers
- Ivan Ruchkin, Joshua Sunshine, Grant Iraci, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan.
IPL: An Integration Property Language for Multi-Model Cyber-Physical Systems [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Appendix] [Github] [Slides] [Video] [Springer].
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM). Oxford, UK, 2018. - Ashutosh Pandey, Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, Javier Camara.
Towards a Formal Framework for Hybrid Planning in Self-Adaptation [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Slides] [ACM] [IEEE].
In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017. - Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan.
Architectural Abstractions for Hybrid Programs [PDF] [BiBTeX] [ACM] [Slides].
In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). Montreal, Canada, 2015. CBSE 2015 Distinguished Paper Award. - Ivan Ruchkin, Dionisio de Niz, Sagar Chaki, David Garlan.
Contract-Based Integration of Cyber-Physical Analyses [PDF] [BiBTeX] [ACM] [Poster] [Slides].
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Embedded Sofware (EMSOFT). New Delhi, India, 2014. - David Garlan, Vishal Dwivedi, Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl.
Foundations and Tools for End-User Architecting [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Springer].
In Proceedings of the 17th Monterey Workshop on Development, Operation, and Management of Large-Scale Complex IT Systems. Oxford, UK, 2012. - Ivan Ruchkin, Vladimir Prus.
Single-Window Integrated Development Environment [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Slides 1] [Slides 2].
In Proceedings of the 4th Spring/Summer Young Researchers' Colloquium on Software Engineering (SYRCoSE'10). Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2010.
Workshop Papers
- Ivan Ruchkin, Selva Samuel, Amanda Rico, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan.
Challenges in Physical Modeling for Adaptation of Cyber-Physical Systems [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Slides].
In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Models at Runtime & Networked Control for Cyber Physical Systems (MARTCPS) (in conjunction with WF-IoT). Reston, VA, 2016. The IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things Best Paper Award. - Ivan Ruchkin.
Integration Beyond Components and Models: Research Challenges and Directions [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Slides].
In Proceedings of the 3th Architecture Centric Virtual Integration Workshop (ACVI) (in conjunction with WICSA/CompArch). Venice, Italy, 2016. - Ivan Ruchkin, Ashwini Rao, Dionisio de Niz, Sagar
Chaki, David Garlan.
Eliminating Inter-Domain Vulnerabilities in Cyber-Physical Systems: An Analysis Contracts Approach [PDF] [BiBTeX] [Slides].
In Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Privacy (CPS-SPC) (in conjunction with CCS). Denver, CO, 2015. - Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan.
Analytic Dependency Loops in Architectural Models of Cyber-Physical Systems [PDF] [BiBTex]. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Model-based Architecting of Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems (ACES-MB) 2015 (in conjunction with MODELS). Ottawa, Canada, 2015. - Ivan Ruchkin.
Architectural and Analytic Integration of Cyber-Physical System Models [MODELS] [Grand Finals] [BiBTex].
In Proceedings of the MODELS 2015 ACM Student Research Competition. Ottawa, Canada, 2015.
Gold Medal. - Ivan Ruchkin.
Towards Integration of Modeling Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems [PDF] [BiBTex].
In Proceedings of the MODELS 2015 Doctoral Symposium. Ottawa, Canada, 2015. - Ivan Ruchkin, Dionisio de Niz, Sagar Chaki, David Garlan.
ACTIVE: A Tool for Integrating Analysis Contracts [PDF] [BiBTex] [Github].
In Proceedings of the 5th Analytic Virtual Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems (AVICPS) Workshop. Rome, Italy, 2014.
- Xiaokang Zhou, Guangquan Xu, Jianhua Ma, Ivan Ruchkin.
Scalable Platforms and Advanced Algorithms for IoT and Cyber-enabled Applications [PDF] [BibTex].
Editorial for the Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), volume 118, part 1, 2018.
- Tomas Bures, Danny Weyns, Bradley Schmerl, Eduardo Tovar, Eric Boden, Thomas
Gabor, Ilias Gerostathopoulos, Pragya Gupta, Eunsuk Kang, Alessia Knauss, Pankesh
Patel, Awais Rashid, Ivan Ruchkin, Roykrong Sukkerd, Christos Tsigkanos.
Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: Challenges and Promising Solutions [PDF] [BibTex].
In the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (SEN), volume 42, number 2, 2017.
- Xiaokang Zhou, Albert Zomaya, Weimin Li, Ivan Ruchkin.
Cybermatics: Advanced Strategy and Technology for Cyber-Enabled Systems and Applications [PDF] [BibTex].
Editorial for the Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), volume 79, 2017.
- Amanda Rico, Ivan Ruchkin, Bradley Schmerl, David Garlan.
Hardware Power Modeling for Turtlebot [PDF] [BibTex].
Poster at the BRASS PI Meeting, Rice University, Houston, TX. 2016.
- Ivan Ruchkin, Dionisio de Niz, Sagar Chaki, David Garlan.
Framework for Inter-Model Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems [PDF] [BibTex] [Abstract] [Slides].
Extended abstract and poster at the 2nd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems, Grenoble, France. 2014.
- Ivan Ruchkin, Stefan Mitsch, Akshay Rajhans, Jan-David
André Platzer, Bruce Krogh, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Prashant
Ramachandra, and Ken Butts.
An Architectural Approach to Heterogeneous Modeling and Verification of CPS [PDF] [BibTex] [Abstract].
Extended abstract and poster at the 4th Annual NSF CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA. 2013.
- Ivan Ruchkin.
Interconnection of Heterogeneous CPS Models Through Architectural Views [PDF] [BibTex].
Extended abstract at the 3rd Annual NSF CPS PI Meeting, National Harbor, MD. 2012.
Non-peer Reviewed
- Ivan Ruchkin, Vishal Dwivedi, David Garlan, Bradley
Architectural Modeling of Ozone Widget Framework End-User Compositions [PDF] [BiBTeX] [CMU].
Technical Report. Pittsburgh, PA, 2014.
- Ivan Ruchkin and Ashiwini Rao.
DUI: A Fast Probabilistic Paper Evaluation Tool [PDF].
In Proceedings of SIGBOVIK'13. Pittsburgh, PA, 2013.
- Ivan Ruchkin.
Building Software In-House: Too Much Control and Flexibility [PDF] [BiBTex] [Slides].
Practicum report.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 2012.
- Ivan Ruchkin.
Tool View Interface of Integrated Development Environments [PDF - Russian] [Slides - Russian].
Undergraduate research thesis.
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 2011.
Slides from my talks are hosted on Slideshare.
© Ivan
Ruchkin, 2012-2018. All Rights Reserved.
Updated: June 2018.
Template Design by Andreas Viklund.
Template Design by Andreas Viklund.