Table of Contents
Frequently asked questions
- Why can't I see the SNARK forms?
- Because you're not running a JavaScript-enabled version of
Netscape. A Snark is completely invisible to non-JavaScript browsers.
- Why's it called SNARK?
- Because it's meant to help you hunt things down. I guess it
should really be called Snark-Hunter. Lewis
Carroll poem
- Can SNARK interface to search engines that accept input via the
POST method?
- No. However, many search engines will accept both GET and POST
based queries. To find out, save a local copy of the html page with
the engine's search form on it, and edit the <FORM ...>
tag to use method="GET" instead of method="POST".
See if a search with this newly-modified form works. If so, you can
add this engine to SNARK.
- How can I make the SNARK results appear in a different frame
from the query?
- John Campbell has modified SNARK to do this. He calls it the Boojum; give
it a try!
- Are there other SNARK'ish utilities out there?
- Yes. See
WebXSPUR (uses
JavaScript + frames)
and CUSI (uses
CGI to same effect).
What's new with SNARK?
- 18 May 1996
Version 1.0 announced. Fixes a small bug which caused incompatibility
with Netscape 3.0beta4--namely, I added the token "new" to
the line:
var engs = new
- 26 January 1996
Version 0.2 announced.
to main SNARK page
Email comments to
Created 27-Jan-1996