Jade Goldstein
PhD Student
Advisor: Jaime Carbonell
Technologies Institute
School of Computer
Carnegie Mellon
4521 Newell Simon Hall
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 258-6593
(412) 268-6298 (fax)
Research Interests:
- Single and
Multi-document Summarization
- Genre Oriented
- Creating summaries that
address the information seeking goals of users
- Interfaces that
rapidly assist users to find their desired information
Some Recent Publications:
- Jade Goldstein, Vibhu Mittal, Jaime Carbonell,
and Jamie Callan, Creating and Evaluating Multi-Document Sentence
Extract Summaries, Ninth International Conference on Information
Knowledge Management, CIKM-00 November 2000, McLean, VA: (postscript)
- Jade Goldstein, Vibhu
Mittal, Mark Kantrowitz and Jaime Carbonell, Multi-Document
Summarization by Sentence Extraction, Automatic Summarization, Proceedings
of the ANLP/NAACL Workshop, April 2000, Seattle, WA: (postscript)
- Jade Goldstein, Vibhu
Mittal, Mark Kantrowitz and Jaime Carbonell, Summarizing Text Documents:
Sentence Selection and Evaluation Metrics, SIGIR-99, August
1999, Berkeley, CA: (postscript)
- Jaime Carbonell and
Jade Goldstein, The Use of MMR, Diversity-based Reranking for
Reordering Documents and Producing Summaries, SIGIR-98 August
1998, Melbourne, Australia: (postscript)
- Thesis