stokes problem is:

sphere radius r, falling in viscous liquid under gravity.

variables are: v,r,g, tex2html_wrap146 , tex2html_wrap147 , tex2html_wrap148 . dimensions are tex2html_wrap149 this means 6-3 = 3 dimensionless variables. tex2html_wrap150 , tex2html_wrap151 =Frued's number, tex2html_wrap152 =Reynolds number. This means: tex2html_wrap153 . Using the fact that a terminal velocity will appear, assume tex2html_wrap154 tex2html_wrap155 . This means tex2html_wrap156 . B.C. suggest tex2html_wrap157

In the limit reynolds number tex2html_wrap158 tex2html_wrap158 1, you get: tex2html_wrap160 ,

tex2html_wrap161 in another convention. tex2html_wrap162 . This is the correct limit for a rain drop falling in the air.

For a human, tex2html_wrap163 .

For spheres in corn syrup, tex2html_wrap164 tex2html_wrap165 from experimental data.

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