Roller hockey mailing list instructions

Players around the area use the mailing to find out and announce pickup games. Below are some instructions to use the mailing list.


To post a message to the list send e-mail to:


The various methods available to subscribe to the roller hockey mailing list are listed below.

  1. Sending electronic mail to the list administrator.
  2. Using the Andrew Mailing Lists web interface.
  3. Sendinge-mailto the automated list manager program.
We recommend you subscribe using the first method, that is, sending e-mail to the list administrator. You are welcome to try any of the other two methods, but be advised that they are not straightforward. Below are the instructions for the different methods.

Sending mail to the list administrator.

Simply send email to the list administrator expressing your interest to join the list. The address for the list administrator roller-hockey-owner at (Replace' at ' with '@' and remove the spaces)

Using the web interface.

Use the Andrew Mailing Lists Web Interface to subscribe to the list.  The interface is located at: Even though, the web interface takes you through the subscription process, before you proceed to register we encourage you to read carefully the following instructions:

  1. In the Andrew Mailing Lists page enter your e-mail address and press the 'Enter' button.
  2. Click on the 'Browse or Search for a mailing list' link.
  3. Select 'Search Mailing Lists for:', type "roller-hockey" in the field below and press the 'Go' button.
  4. If everything goes right, the roller-hockey list should appear in the results page.  Check the box in the 'Subscribe' column next to the 'roller-hockey' list and press the 'SubmitSubscriptions' button.
  5. After submitting your information, you will receive an electronic mail with an authentication number. At this point you are NOT yet subscribed to the list. The message contains a line that looks like this:

        auth 41339a23 subscribe roller-hockey your-email-address

    If you are not sure how the mail with the authentication number looks like, follow this link to see a sample message.

  6. Reply the electronic mail with the authentication number for the subscription to be accepted. This extra step is required to prevent subscriptions from being accepted without authorization, for example, someone else subscribing you to the list.

    Important: If you do not reply the e-mail with the authentication number your subscription will not be accepted.

    In order to reply the the message either use the reply feature of your e-mail program (i.e., hit the reply button) or send e-mail to: . Copy the line with the authorization number and put at the beginning of the message in the message body (not the subject line). The message should contain only the line with the authentication number.  Here's what the message should contain:

    auth auth_number subscribe roller-hockey your-email-address

    Send the message.

  7. You will receive a message with Subject: "Welcome to roller-hockey". Please read and save this message for future reference. At this point you are subscribed to the roller hockey mailing list. If you are unsuccessful to subscribe to the list, please send e-mail to the list administrator who will be happy to help you. To send mail to the list administrator, see the instructions below.
Subscribing through e-mail.

Alternatively, you can subscribe / unsubscribe through e-mail.

  1. To subscribe to the list, send a message to with the following text in the body of your e-mail message:

    subscribe roller-hockey.

  2. After sending your request by electronic mail you will receive an electronic mail with an authentication number. At this point you are NOT yet subscribed to the list.  The message contains a line that looks like this:

        auth 41339a23 subscribe roller-hockey your-email-address

    If you are not sure how the mail with the authentication number looks like, follow this link to see a sample message.

  3. Reply the electronic mail with the authentication number for the subscription to be accepted.   This extra step is required to prevent subscriptions from being accepted without authorization, for example, someone else subscribing you to the list.

    Important:  If you do not reply the e-mail with the authentication number your subscription will not be accepted.

    In order to reply the  the message either use the reply feature of your e-mail program (i.e., hit the reply button) or send e-mail to:  Copy the line with the authorization number and put at the beginning of the message in the message body (not the subject line). The message should contain only the line with the authentication number.  Here's what the message should contain:


    auth auth_number subscribe roller-hockey your-email-address

    Send the message.

  4. You will receive a message with Subject: "Welcome to roller-hockey".  Please read and save this message for future reference.  At this point you are subscribed to the roller hockey mailing list.  If you are unsuccessful to subscribe to the list, please send e-mail to the list administrator who will be happy to help you.  To send mail to the list administrator, see the instructions below.


You can unsubscribe either through the Andrew Mailing Lists Web Interface or through e-mail.

To unsubscribe from the list send a message to with the following text in the body of your e-mail message:

unsubscribe roller-hockey


unsubscribe roller-hockey your@email.address

Contacting the list administrator.

To contact the list administrator, send mail to:

roller-hockey-owner at
(Replace ' at ' with '@' and remove the spaces). The list administrator will be happy to help you with any problem related to the roller hockey mailing list.