Milestone Results

Group Members: Anvesh Komuravelli, Samir Sapra, and Jenn Tam

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We examine all STAMP benchmarks using the Fair runtime from RSTM. The runtime description can be found here and the respective PPOPP, 2009 paper can be found here.

To learn more about the STAMP benchmarks, please read:
STAMP: Stanford Transactional Applications for Multi-Processing Chi Cao Minh, JaeWoong Chung, Christos Kozyrakis, Kunle Olukotun In IISWC '08: Proceedings of The IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization, Sept. 2008.

In what follows, we show the distributions of transaction lengths for the various STAMP benchmarks with different parameters. One significant parameter is the number of threads which are running concurrently, which we varied as 1, 2, 4 and 8 for all the benchmarks. To study the distribution of the transaction lengths, we make use of the following plots.

Boxplot - A boxplot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five-number summaries - the smallest observation (sample minimum), lower quartile (Q1), median (Q2), upper quartile (Q3), and largest observation (sample maximum). A boxplot may also indicate which observations, if any, might be considered outliers.

Distribution plot - We zoomed into the transaction lengths boxplot omitting outlier transactions and plotted the histogram plot for those data.

Goodness of fit plot - We tried to fit the distribution we got in the above plot into known distribution curves which might help us design our own contention manager to perform the best for the STAMP benchmarks and get an insight into the best possible contention manager.

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Please click on a bechmark to jump to that section:


This benchmark implements a gene sequencing program that reconstructs the gene sequence from segments of a larger gene. The algorithm used to sequence the gene has three phases:
  1. Remove duplicate segments by using hash-set
  2. Match segments using Rabin-Karp string search algorithm - Cycles are prevented by tracking starts/ends of matched chains
  3. Build sequence
The first two steps make up the bulk of the execution time and are parallelized.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



K-means is a partition-based method and is arguably the most commonly used clustering technique. K-means represents a cluster by the mean value of all objects contained in it. Given the user-provided parameter k, the initial k cluster centers are randomly selected from the database. Then, K-means assigns each object to its nearest cluster center based on the similarity function. For example, for spatial clustering, usually the Euclid distance is used to measure the closeness of two objects. Once the assignments are completed, new centers are found by finding the mean of all the objects in each cluster. This process is repeated until two consecutive iterations generate the same cluster assignment. The clusters produced by the K-means algorithm are sometimes called "hard" clusters, since any data object either is or is not a member of a particular cluster.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark. Runs are observed for both low contention and high contention scenarios.

Low contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Low contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Low contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Low contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Low contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Low contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Low contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Low contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Low contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Low contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Low contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Low contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads
High contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread High contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) High contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
High contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads High contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) High contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
High contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads High contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) High contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
High contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads High contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) High contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



Given a maze, this benchmark finds the shortest-distance paths between pairs of starting and ending points. In this algorithm, the maze is represented as a grid, where each grid point can contain connections to adjacent, non-diagonal grid points. The algorithm searches for a shortest path between the start and end points of a connection by performing a breadth-first search and labeling each grid point with its distance from the start. This expansion phase will eventually reach the end point if a connection is possible. A second traceback phase then forms the connection by following any path with a decreasing distance. This algorithm is guaranteed to find the shortest path between a start and end point; however, when multiple paths are made, one path may block another.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



This application implements an algorithm for learning Bayesian networks, which is an important part of machine learning. Typically, neither the probability distributions nor the conditional dependences among them are known or solvable for a human; thus Bayesian networks are often learned from observed data. The particular algorithm implements a hill-climbing strategy that uses both local and global search. For efficient probability distribution estimations, the adtree data structure is used.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



Signature-based network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) scan network packets for matches against a known set of intrusion signatures. Network packets are processed in parallel and go through three phases: capture, reassembly, and detection. The main data structure in the capture phase is a simple FIFO queue, and the reassembly phase uses a dictionary (implemented by a self-balancing tree) that contains lists of packets that belong to the same session. In the TM version included in STAMP, the capture and reassembly phases are each enclosed by transactions. Hence, the code for each phase is as simple as that with coarse-grain locks but hopefully achieves good performance through optimistic concurrency. When operating on these data structures, this benchmark has relatively short transactions. It also has moderate to high levels of contention depending on how often the reassembly phase rebalances its tree. Overall, since two of the three phases are spent in transactions, this benchmark has a moderate amount of total transactional execution time.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



The Scalable Synthetic Compact Applications~2 (SSCA2)benchmark is comprised of four kernels that operate on a large, directed, weighted multi-graph. These four graph kernels are commonly used in applications ranging from computational biology to security. STAMP focuses on Kernel 1, which constructs an efficient graph data structure using adjacency arrays and auxiliary arrays.

The transactional version of SSCA2 has threads adding nodes to the graph in parallel and uses transactions to protect accesses to the adjacency arrays. Since this operation is relatively small, not much time is spent in transactions. Additionally, the length of the transactions and the sizes of their read and write sets is relatively small. The amount of contention is the application is also relatively low as the large number of graph nodes lead to infrequent concurrent updates of the same adjacency list.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads



This benchmark implements a travel reservation system powered by a non-distributed database. The workload consists of several client threads interacting with the database via the system's transaction manager.

The database is consists of four tables: cars, rooms, flights, and customers. The first three have relations with fields representing a unique ID number, reserved quantity, total available quantity, and price. The table of customers tracks the reservations made by each customer and the total price of the reservations they made. The tables are implemented as Red-Black trees.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark. Runs are observed for both low contention and high contention scenarios.

Low contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Low contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Low contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
High contention - Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread High contention - Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) High contention - Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread



This benchmark implements Ruppert's algorithm for Delaunay mesh refinement.

For the test runs, the following parameters were used, as suggested for this STAMP benchmark.

Boxplot of entire distribution for 1 thread Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 1 thread (exact percentage in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood values for 1 thread
Boxplot of entire distribution for 2 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 2 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 2 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 4 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 4 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 4 threads
Boxplot of entire distribution for 8 threads Histogram showing majority lengths of transactions for 8 threads (exact percentages in title of graph) Bar graph of log-likelihood valules for 8 threads