JED is a drop-in replacement for the EMACS editor, which has gotten very large and slow. The keybindings are almost entirely the same as gnu-emacs. It can be found as /usr/local/bin/jed on most vendor systems. It is must more lightweight and faster than gnu-emacs, and should be used for most simple text editing tasks, such as e-mail. It is especially recommended for users on the central mail servers as an faster alternative to emacs.
CONTROL ESCAPE (META) ------- ------------- ^a Go to start of line ESC q Format paragraph ^b Move backward by characters ESC s Center line ^d Forward delete character ESC v Move backword by pages ^e Go to end of line ESC w Copy region to kill buffer ^f Move forward by characters ESC x Execute JED command ^g Abort out of things ESC y Yank and pop ^h Help ESC % Query search and replace ESC < Move to start of buffer ^ha Show related functions ESC > Move to end of buffer ^hf Help on function ESC $ Invoke ispell ^hh Show basic key bindings ^hk Show key binding ^hi Bring up Info Browser CONTROL-X ^hm Display Unix man page --------- ^hw Show what key is ^x b Switch to buffer bound to a command ^x d Invoke directory editor ^h? Show Menus ^x f Set fill column ^x i Insert file ^i (TAB) "Smart" line indent ^x k Kill buffer ^k Kill to end of line ^x s Save buffers ^l Put current line in center ^x u Undo ^n Move forward by lines ^x ^b Display buffer list ^o Open up a blank line ^x ^c Exit JED ^p Move backward by lines ^x ^f Find file ^r Search backwards ^x ^o Collapse blank lines to one ^s Search forward ^x ^a Save current buffer ^v Move forward by pages ^x ^w Write buffer to file ^w Kill region ^x Command prefix ^y Yank back from kill buffer ^z Suspend JED ^_ Undo ^@ Set markA full listing of keybindings is available in the document /afs/
Most jed configuration is done via settings in a file called the .jedrc -- if you need one and do not already have one, create a file named ".jedrc" in your home directory (i.e. issue the command "jed ~/.jedrc" to create the new file and edit it).
If TAB is not indenting, try inserting this line into your .jedrc:
setkey("self_insert_cmd", "^I");
Set autoindenting through the WRAP_INDENTS variable (in your .jedrc):
Set this value to 1 to enable autoindenting.
To completely disable all auto-indenting, (the above controls code-style
autoindenting) add this to your .jedrc:
setkey("newline", "^M");