James H. Morris

100 7th St., #404

Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1134

412 609-5000




Born: October 11, 1941, Pittsburgh, PA

Married, Two Children

Citizenship: USA



BS in Mathematics, Carnegie Institute of Technology, June 1963, Honors: Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi

S.M. in Management, MIT, February 1966, Thesis: ÒCompilation and Interpretation in OPS-3Ó

Ph.D. in Computer Science, MIT June 1969, Thesis: ÒLambda Calculus Models of Programming LanguagesÓ


Employment History


1982-: Carnegie Mellon University

Professor of Computer Science

Dean of Silicon Valley Campus 2004-2009

Dean of School of Computer Science 1999-2004

Computer Science Department Head 1992-1999

Herbert A. Simon Professor of Human Computer Interaction from 1997 to 2000

Supervised Ph.D. thesis

Nathaniel S. Borenstein, ÒAnalysis of Help SystemsÓ

Richard Cohn, ÒCommand Languages for Window SystemsÓ

Ellen A. Borsion, ÒAn Analysis of Software Manufacture CostsÓ

David Nichols, ÒMultiprocessing in a Network of WorkstationsÓ

Bruce Horn, ÒConstrained Object ProgrammingÓ

Director of the Information Technology Center 1982-1987

Built and ran a 40-person organization that implemented the Andrew system, a prototype university computing system. Responsible for obtaining funding, staffing, and basic technical directions.

Principal Investigator of NSF EXPRES project, 1986-1989, NSF Prep Editor  grant, 1989-1996, DARPA grant on Human Computer Interaction, 1993-96, Virtual Work Rooms, 1996-1999.



1989-1992: President, MAYA Design Group, Inc., a consulting company specializing in the design of computing systems for general use.


1974 - 1982: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

Member of Research Staff, 1974-1979

Principle Scientist, 1979-1982

Research Fellow, 1982

Recipient of PARC Special Incentive Stock Award, 1981.

1979-1981: Manager of the Cedar Programming Environment project.

1979: Participated in a  group developing CUSP, a customer

           programming language for the Star product.

           Worked on the design extensions to Mesa for the Cedar



           Developed the Poplar programming language.

           Served as a consultant to the  Star Development effort.

           Helped organize the Software and Systems Seminar for the

           Corporate Policy Committee.

           Participated in the development of the Juniper Distributed File System.

           Developed a Mesa B-Tree package.

           Wrote the Element of Mesa Style programming manual.

           Studied program verification, language evaluators, and program readability.

           Conducted language comparison studies.

           Participated in the development of the Alto Operating System.


1969- 1974 University of California at Berkeley, Computer  Science Department

            Assistant Professor 1969-1974 (acting in '69, '70).

            Member of Chancellor's Committee on Computing (1971-1974).

            Participated in the Cal Timesharing System 1969,1970.

            Implemented BCPL Compiler Code generator.

            Supervised development of a BASIC system.

      Supervised Ph.D. theses:

       L. Peter Deutsch, "An Interactive Program VerifierÓ.

       Howard E. Sturgis, "A Post-mortem of a Time-sharing SystemÓ.

       Tomasz Kowaltowski, "Proofs about Data StructuresÓ.

       Reiji Nakajima, "Infinite Models of the Lambda CalculusÓ.


Summer 1965, September 1966 - December 1968: Research Assistant,

     Project MAC MIT

     Participated in the Development of the OPS-3 System.

     Implemented the programming language PAL.


June 1966-September 1966: Researcher, Computing Corporation of

     America, Cambridge, MA.

     Studied a language for relational data bases.


June 1964-September 1964: Summer Intern Texas Instruments Corp.,

     Attleboro, MA.

     Designed an inventory control system for a small computer.



Diamondhead Ventures (2004), Google(2004), IRS (2002),  SUN(1999)


Refereed Publications in Journals and Conferences

ÒAnother Recursion Induction PrincipleÓ, Communications of the ACM, 1971.

ÒRecursion Schemes with ListsÓ, ACM SIGACT Symposium on the Theory of Computing, Boulder, CO, 1972.

 ÒVerification-oriented Language DesignÓ, technical report, Computer Science Department, U.C. Berkeley, 1973.

 ÒA Bonus from van Wijngaarten's DeviceÓ Communications of ACM, 1973.

 ÒProtection in Programming LanguagesÓ, Communication of ACM, 1974.

 ÒTypes are not SetsÓ, Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Boston, 1974.

 ÒTowards More Flexible Type SystemsÓ, Colloque sur la Programmation, Paris, 1975.

 ÒA Lazy EvaluatorÓ, with P. Henderson, Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1976.

 ÒSubgoal InductionÓ, with Ben Wegbreit, Communications of he ACM, 1977.

ÒFast Pattern Matching in StringsÓ, with D. E. Knuth and V.R. Pratt, SIAM Journal Computing, 1977.

 ÒEarly Experience with MesaÓ, with C.M. Geschke and E. W. Satterthwaite, Communications of the ACM, 1977.

 ÒExperience with an Applicative String Processing LanguageÓ, with E. Schmidt, P. Wadler, Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1980.  (Accepted for publication in ACM Transactions of Programming Languages and Systems)

ÒAndrew: A Distributed Personal Computing EnvironmentÓ, Communications of the ACM, with M. Satyanarayanan, M. Conner, J. Howard, D. S. H. Rosenthal, F. D. Smith, March 1986.

 ÒAndrew: Carnegie Mellon's Computing SystemÓ, IFIP Proceedings, with J. Leong, D. Nichols, M. West, M. Satyanarayanan, September 1986.

" ÔMake or TakeÕ Decisions in Andrew,Ó Proceedings of the USENIX Technical Conference, Dallas, February, 1988.

ÒIssues in the Design of Computer Support for Co-authoring and Commenting,Ó with C. Neuwirth,  D. Kaufer, and R. Chandhok, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work, 1990

 ÒFlexible diff-ing in a collaborative writing system,Ó with Neuwirth, C. M., Chandhok, R., Kaufer, D. S., Erion, P., & Miller, D.  (1992).    In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '92)  (pp. 147-154).  Baltimore, MD:  Association for Computing Machinery.  Reprinted in R. Rada (Ed.) (1996). Groupware and authoring  (pp. 189-204).  San Diego:  Academic Press.

 ÒComputer support for distributed collaborative writing:  Defining parameters of interactionÕÓ with Neuwirth, C. M., Kaufer, D. S., Chandhok, R.,(1994).  In Proceedings of the  Conference on Computer-Supported CooperativeWork (CSCW '94)  (pp. 145-152). Oct. 2-26, Chapel Hill, NC.  Association for Computing Machinery.

 ÒAccommodating mixed sensory/modal preferences in collaborative writing systems,Ó with Kaufer, D. S., Neuwirth, C. M., Chandhok, R.(1995).  Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 3, 271-295.

 ÒEnvisioning Communication: Task-Tailorable Representations of Communication in Asynchronous Work,Ó with Christine M. Neuwirth. Susan Harkness Regli, Ravinder Chandhok, Geoffrey C. Wenger, CSCW 1998, Seattle.

 ÒEnvisioning Communication: Task-Tailorable Representations of Communication in Asynchronous Work,Ó with Christine M. Neuwirth. Susan Harkness Regli, Ravinder Chandhok, Geoffrey C. Wenger, CSCW 1998.

ÒInterface Issues in Computer Support for Asynchronous Communication,Ó with Christine M. Neuwirth. Susan Harkness Regli, Ravinder Chandhok, Geoffrey C. Wenger, Computing Surveys (1999)

 ÒMarkets for Attention: Will Postage for Email Help?Ó, with Robert E. Kraut, Rahul Telang, Shyam Sunder, Darrin Filer, and Matt Cronin, Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work, 2002.

Other Publications

ÒNeutral NetworksÓ, Tau Beta Pi Magazine, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1963.

On-Line Computation and Simulation: The OPS-3 System, with M. Greenberger, et al., M.I.T. Press, 1965.

 ÒFinal Report on the String Analysis ProjectÓ, with N. Sager and M. Salkoff, University of Pennsylvania, 1965.

 ÒLambda-calculus Models of Programming LanguagesÓ, Project MAC Technical Report 57, December 1968.

ÒA Proof of a Data Structure AlgorithmÓ in Formal Semantics of Programming Languages, R. Rustin (ed.), Prentice-Hall, 1971.

The Elements of Mesa Style, Xerox internal report, 1977.

ÒReal Programming in Functional LanguagesÓ, in Notes from a Functional Languages Summer Course, Darlington, Henderson, and Turner, eds., North-Holland, 1981.

ÒExperience with Electronic Mail in Andrew,Ó Proceedings of a conference on Languages for Special Purposes, Technical University of Eindhoven, August, 1988.

ÒWar Stories from AndrewÓ, A virtual version of the CACM, December 1996. http://www.acm.org/cacm/extension/

 ÒComputer supported collaborative writing:  A coordination science perspective,Ó with Neuwirth, C.M., Chandhok, R., Kaufer, D.S., Erion, P., & Miller, D.  (in press). In G.M. Olson, T.W. Malone & J.B.Smith (Eds.), Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

ÒTales of TechnologyÓ a monthly series in the business section of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2003, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/tales/index.html

Occasional columns in The Pittsburgh Quaterly.

ÒFighting the Single-Occupancy VechicleÓ, 2008 Conference on Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change, Sacamento, CA.



1969:  Three lectures on Programming Language Semantics, M.I.T.


1979: A series of ten lectures on programming methodology at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India.


1979: A series of six lectures on programming methodology at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


1980: Distinguished Speaker, Stanford University Computer Forum Lecture Series.


1981: A series of three lectures on functional programming at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.


1982: Distinguished Lecturer, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Department.


2006: Talk at Xerox PARC


Other talks: UCLA, U.C. Santa Cruz, Carnegie Mellon University, Queen Mary College (London), Cornell, M.I.T., University of Toronto, Queens University (Kingston, Ontario), Syracuse University, Cornell University, N.Y.U. Courant Institute, Berkeley, Stanford University, U.S.C., I.B.M. San Jose, Indiana University, University of Utah, Princeton, Georgia Institute of Technology, Technical University at Eindhoven, Kyoto University, IBM Tokyo Research Lab, Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Academica Scinica Software Institute - Beijing, New York State Library Colloquim Albany.



Editorial and Review Activities


1974-1978 Associate Editor of the Journal of the ACM for Programming Languages and Methodology.


1977:  Member of the Program Committee, ACM Conference on Language Design for Reliable Software.


1975 and 1976:  Member of the Program Committee, ACM Principles of Programming Languages Symposium.


1976:  Co-editor of a special issue of the Communications of the ACM devoted to papers on Principles of Programming Languages.


1980:  Department Review Committee, Computer Science Department, Indiana University.


1980:  Member of the Program Committee, ACM Conference on Computer Architecture for Functional Programming Languages.


1981:  Member of the Science Advisory Council, Mills College.


1981:  Review of the Eden programming environment project, Computer Science Department, University of Washington.


1981:  Review of the Spice programming environment project, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University.


1981:  Member of the program committee, ACM Conference on Functional Programming and Machine Architecture.


1982:  Chairman of an ACM awards committee, Systems and Software Award.


1987: Member of an NSF-sponsored panel meeting a delegation of Japanese Software Engineers at the East-West Center in Hawaii.


1988, 1998: Program Committee for ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.


1989: Panelist in National Research Council colloquium on ÒKeeping the U.S. Computer Industry Competitive: Defining the AgendaÓ


1989: Member of a JTECH/NSF panel assessing Japanese Computer Science.


1991-1998- Member of Research Advisory Board for SUN Microsystems


1997-2000 Elected member of board of directors of the Computer Research Association


1997- Board of Directors Vision Systems, Inc.


1997- Board of Directors Cybergenics, Inc.


2002-2006: Member of Markle Foundation task force on Security in the Information Age


Review Committees for CS Departments: Indiana University, Lehigh University, Oregon Graduate Institute, University of North Carolina


Served on several Ph.D. Thesis committees at Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University.