Jeffrey Hutzelman - Schedule

My schedule tends to be somewhat erratic. People who are looking for me on campus are advised to try afternoons -- I usually arrive by early afternoon, and stay at least as late as 5pm. In addition, I have some regularly-scheduled meetings and other events, as shown below. Idle times are accurate on both (in my office), and (at home).

Tue19:00-20:00 Carnegie Tech Radio Club (W3VC) - 1st Tuesday of each month
Wed15:00-16:001:1 w/Nikithser - Alternate weeks
Thu15:00-16:00Programming Group Meeting - weekly


13-Feb-2006 - 14-Feb-2006Boston, MAISMS WG Interim Meeting
15-Feb-2006 - 17-Feb-2006New York, NYVacation
19-Mar-2006 - 24-Mar-2006Dallas, TX65'th IETF Meeting

Jeffrey Hutzelman <>
Last updated: 3-Feb-2006