Computer Graphics: 15-462
Fall 2002 TuTh 9:00-10:30 am
5409 Wean Hall
Jessica Hodgins
- Programming Assignment 4 is out. See Assignments and Homeworks.
- Midterms were returned last week.
Average: 67.7
Minimum: 42
Maximum: 92
- Movie from Assignment 2 is out:
uncut version
shorter version
- Thanks to Greg Reshko, we now have a
working setup for windows.
Here is the movie
for Assignment 1.
- Here is a pointer to the source code for libpicio
If you have trouble with pages under displaying correctly in netscape
try mozilla. We've asked help to look into the netscape install because it does work on
other facilities supported linux boxes.
- Don't forget to read the bboard for the class for helpful hints.