AFS on CFA 317 Workstations for 15465/60414
Network distributed storage is being provided for 15465/60414.
Access to this network store is available from both the Wean HallĀ
5336 lab and CFA 317 Clusters lab.
The following two sections, Configuring AFS and Using AFS, will
detail how to setup and use your AFS space from the CFA 317 Cluster lab.
NOTE: The following two sections will refer to username and coursenum.
Please substitute the relevant information, discarding the.
For example, "coursenum-s07-users" should read "60414-s07-users"
if you are enrolled in 60414.
Configuring AFS
Setting up drive mappings for course AFS space is only necessary once.
After logging in, verify that the AFS client has the proper
credentials for your Andrew username. The Windows systray, located
in the lower right corner of your desktop, contains a gold lock that
displays "AFS Client" with a mouseover. Left-click on this icon.
The "Tokens" tab in the resulting dialog box should contain a section
that contains:
Tokens: username@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ( ... )
If these fields do not contain your Andrew credentials, left-click on
the button "Obtain New Tokens...". You should only need to provide a
password in the resulting dialog:
AFS Cell:
username: username@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
password: type your password
Left-click "OK".
Configure the two drive mappings for your course.
1. Left-click on the "Drive Letters" tab.
2. Left-click on "Add..."
3. Leave the default recommended drive after "Drive Letter:", this
will become the drive associated with your AFS space.
4. Specify the "AFS PATH:" for your AFS space:
5. Specify the "Submount:" as: artNtechs07
6. Make sure that "Restore this mapping whenever I logon" is
checked, then
left=click "OK".
NOTE: You may not see this mapping in the current tab,
immediately after creating it. If you select another tab,
then reselect "Drive Mappings", the configuration should appear.
You may leave this window open, or close it, safely.
This network mounted drive is now available from "My Computer", under
the section "Network Drives", and you may create a shortcut to it by
left-click/dragging it to the Windows desktop.
Using AFS
Obtaining the proper credentials for the CS.CMU.EDU AFS cell is
necessary to use your AFS space, otherwise you will receive an
"Access denied" error message.
1. Verify that your "AFS Client" has the proper credentials. The
gold lock icon located in the lower right systray will typically have a
small, red "X" on it if you're not authenticated. You may left-click on
the icon and follow the instructions under "Configuring AFS" (above) to
"Obtain New Tokens..."
2. Open a Windows shell by left-click on the "Start Menu" button in
the lower left corner of your Windows desktop.
3. Select "Run..."
4. Type the following within the resulting dialog box: aklog
Access to your AFS space via the mapped drive letter should now be possible.
NOTE:If you have left open the AFS Client window you will notice the "Tokens"
tab has been replaced by two tabs:, and
Your credentials (tokens) may expire in one or both of these tabs.
Should that happen, do not use "Obtain New Tokens..." under an or tab. Instead, left-click the button
"Discard Tokens" under each of these two tabs, and close the dialog.
Then you may repeat the steps under "Using AFS" (above), to obtain new