You can set things up by running the script
from unix.andrew.
When logging into one of the machines your login ID will be
and your password will be your normal Andrew password.
If the script doesn't work for some reason, follow the steps below.
cd /afs/andrew/usr/<user>
mkdir 5336
cd 5336
fs sa . system:campusnet rl
Note that the directory 5336 must be readable by everyone, so do not store assignment-related files there unless you intend to share them!
The capitals are IMPORTANT here.
If you don't know enough about unix to be able to create a file, ask one of the CS people for help.
kinit <user>@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
The capitals are IMPORTANT here too.
These will get the required Kerberos and Andrew tickets.
and your password will be your normal Andrew password.