Week of |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Friday |
January 11
Week 1 |
Introduction and Syllabus
Animations from classes in previous years
Assignments of Technical Demos
Maya Demonstrations (Jim)
- desktop
- polygonal modeling
- basic mapping
- lighting
- The Dog Who Was A Cat Inside - Passion Pictures (Issue 144, SIGGRAPH '03)
- It's not the end of the world - Super Furry Animal - Duran Duboi (Issue 141, SIGGRAPH '02)
- Minamitama District - Nagoya City University (Issue 163, SIGGRAPH '09)
Maya Demonstrations (Jim)
- deformers + blendshapes
- keyframing
- camera
- rendering
- layering
pages 2-55 in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
Assignment 1 out
January 18
Week 2
no class -- MLK
Storyboard clips from Monsters
Examples from Assignment 1
- Bunny - Blue Sky
- The Street (Hollywood Salutes Canadian Animation)
- Cubic Tragedy (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, SIGGRAPH Video Review Issue 150)
- SYMPHONY - Erick Oh (SIGGRAPH 09, Issue 163)
- Video Editing Demo (Nina Sarnelle)
- demo of setting up AFS space (Q Youn Hong)
Work time
Assignment 1 due (Sunday midnight)
January 25
Week 3
Critique Assignment 1 (graded)
- Group 1: 1:30
SHUYING FENG, shuyingf
SU MIN PARK, suminp
PHILIP CHUNG, philipch
XIAO LAN, xlan
MINJAE LEE, minjaele
- Group 2: 2:45
SI YEUN HWANG, siyeunh
TOM LUONG, tluong
JAE YEO, jaehoony
MAOKAI XIAO, maokaix
Storyboard due as a powerpoint file (firstnamelastname.ppt)(Tuesday noon)
Pitch storyboards (5 minutes/each)
February 1
Week 4
Pitch remaining storyboards
Vote for 7 storyboards
Form 2-3 person teams to refine storyboards (via email)
Maya Demonstrations: (Ethan Rupp)
- rigging and IKs
- basic skinning weights
Assignment 2 out
Field Trip to ETC for Avatar Talk and Movie
Work time otherwise
February 8
Week 5
no class -- snow day
no class -- snow day
February 15
Week 6 |
- Cherries (SIGGRAPH Animation Festival Highlights 2009, Issue 164)
- The Itch (SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater 2007, Issue 156)
- Dix (SIGGRAPH Animation Festival Featured Selections 2009, Issue 163)
- Animation of Jellyfish with Tentacles (SIGGRAPH 2008 Animation Festival Part 2, Issue 160)
Maya Demonstrations
- Video Editing Demo (Nina Sarnelle)
- IK redux (Jim)
- Locators: eye, etc. (Katherine Rubenstein)
- Controllers, set-driven keys (Katherine Rubenstein)
- Trax editor (Franz Mendonsa)
maya file
pdf materials
- Animation Layers (Franz Mendonsa)
Chapter 12 Model in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
Chapter 19 Visual Effects in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
Work time
- Oh Hisse (Tohoku University of Art and Design, SIGGRAPH Video Review 154, 2006)
- East End Zombies (SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater Issue 150)
- Helium (SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater Issue 150)
Maya Demonstrations
- C++ programming demo files for demo (Q Youn Hong)
- MEL demo (Q Youn Hong) powerpoint for demo
- Particle systems (Robin Gray)
- Dynamic simulation (Robin Gray)
- Fluids (Anna-Claire Harkness)
Revised storyboards due Sunday at noon
February 22
Week 7 |
Pitch revised storyboards
The Sweetest Thing
Sarah Scialli
Laura Paoletti
Philip Chung
Katherine Rubenstein
Men of Glory
Robyn Tong Gray
Alexander Kowalski
Going Up
Matthew Glisson
Su Min Park
Moths for Maboroshi
Ethan Rupp
Si Yeun Hwang
Daniel Vu
Flowers, Inc.
Spencer Diaz
Chelsea Lupkin
My Bad
Matthew Kaemmerer
Anna-Claire Harkness
Sock Story
Jae Hoon Yeo
Franz Mendonsa
Cognitive Learner
Voting for storyboards
Form teams (email)
Worktime otherwise
Chapters 10 and 11 in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
Work time
Discussion of animatics
Maya Demonstrations
- Strokes (Alex Kowalski)
- Hair and Fur (Alex Kowalski)
- Cloth and cloth colliding with cloth (James Chan)
- Setting up project spaces in Maya and referencing(Jim)
- Render Layers (Jim)
First group meetings
Animatics out
March 1
Week 8 |
- Kein Platz fur Gerald (Ars Electronica 2006)
Maya Demonstration:
- Advanced mapping/UV editor (Laura Paoletti)
- Sculpting tool (Laura Paoletti)
- Shaders and MentalRay (Rebecca Scully)
- Lighting, soft shadows (Rebecca Scully)
- Muscles (Q Youn Hong)
Work time
Assignment 2 due Tuesday at noon
Possible technical projects (jkh)
Critique Assignment 2 (graded)
- Group 1: 2:00
Philip Chung
Maokai Xiao
Jae Hoon Yeo
Minjae Lee
Thomas Luong
Matthew Kaemmerer
Si Yeun Hwang
- Group 2: 3:00
Matthew Glisson
Su Min Park
Sarah Scialli
Xiao Lan
Daniel Vu
Spencer Diaz
Chelsea Lupkin
Helena Chan
Field trip for Mocap Lab Demo (in parallel with Assignment 2 crit)
Work time otherwise
Assignment 3 out
March 8
spring break
midterm grades due
spring break
March 15
Week 9
Issues with Motion Capture (Jim and Jessica)
Maya Demonstration:
- Importing mocap data (Q Youn Hong)
- 458NM (SIGGRAPH 2006 Electronic Theater)
- The Building (SIGGRAPH 2006 Electronic Theater)
Work time
ETC out
- David Oreilly, Please Say Something
- David Oreilly, Crazy
Work time
Chapter 16 Animation in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
ETC out
jkh out
Animatic due (Sunday midnight)
March 22
Week 10 |
Group critiques of animatics (whole class) (graded)
Composers in class
Assignment 3 due (midnight Tuesday)
Critique Assignment 3 (graded)
Whole class
Chapter 18 Lighting and Rendering in Inspired 3D Short Film Production
Work time
March 29
Week 11 |
Critique Assignment 3 continued (graded)
Whole class
Work time
- World of Warcraft - Blizzard Entertainment (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 165)
- Spring - Framebox, (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 164)
- Unplan the Moment - Boo Lab, (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 164)
- Tongue of the Hidden - Schofield Films (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 164)
Maya Demonstration:
- Clothing on characters (James Chan)
Work time
April 5
Week 12 |
- Greed - Embrya AB (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 165)
- Second Souffle - Maxime Causeret (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue165)
- Muzorama - La Station Animation (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 165)
Work time otherwise
Models, preliminary animation, and sample rendering/lighting
examples due (Tuesday midnight)
Critique Models, preliminary animation, and sample rendering/lighting
examples (separate) (graded)
1:30 Cognitive Learner
2:00 Patterns
2:30 Moths
3:00 Men of Glory
3:30 Going Up
Work time otherwise
April 12
Week 13 |
- Drench Brain's Dance, The Mill (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 165)
- French Roast, (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 163)
- Anima, Supinfocom (SIGGRAPH 2009, Issue 163)
Work time otherwise
Critique (separate) (ungraded)
1:30 Going Up
2:00 Men of Glory
2:30 Moths
3:00 Patterns
3:30 Cognitive Learner
Work time otherwise
April 19
Week 14 |
- Clik Clak (Supinfocom) (Issue 158, SIGGRAPH 2007 Animation Theater)
- Chump and Clump (Issue 160, SIGGRAPH 2008 Animation Festival)
- Louis (Issue 148, SIGGRAPH 2004 Animation Theater)
Work time
Results embedded in Animatic due (Tuesday midnight)
Group critiques (whole class, graded)
April 26
Week 15 |
Work time otherwise
Group critiques (separate, ungraded)
1:30 Going Up
2:00 Moths
2:30 Cognitive Learner
3:00 Men of Glory
3:30 Patterns
Work time otherwise
Final exam slot May 11
Final Presentations during final exam slot (graded)
May 11 1-4pm CFA 303
May 13th final grades due
End of Semester