Oh look, it's me!
João Martins
(if you can't see the ã learn to use unicode!)

CMU|Portugal Dual Ph.D in CS,
Carnegie Mellon University

B.Sc in CS by FCT/UNL, 2008
M.Sc in CS by FCT/UNL, 2010

> Research Interests_ 
. Cyber-physical systems
. Beliefs
. Logic
. Argumentation Theory
. Thesis proposal: Changing Beliefs in a Changing World
> Advisors_ 
. João Leite (FCT/UNL)
. André Platzer (CMU)
> Publications_ 
. S. Egilmez, J. Martins and J. Leite, Extending Social Abstract Argumentation with votes on attacks, TAFA'13 (pdf).
. V. Dahl, S. Egilmez, J. Martins, E. Miralles, On Failure-Driven Constraint-Based Parsing through CHRG, CHR'13 (pdf).
. D. Henriques, J. G. Martins, P. Zuliani, A. Platzer, E. M. Clarke, Statistical Model Checking for Markov Decision Processes, QEST'12 (pdf).
. J. Martins, A. Platzer, J. Leite, Statistical model checking for distributed probabilistic control hybrid automata with Smart Grid applications, ICFEM'11 (pdf, slides)
. J. Leite, J. Martins, Social Abstract Argumentation, IJCAI'11 (pdf)
. P. Torroni, M. Prandini, M. Ramilli, J. Leite, J. Martins, Arguments Against the Troll (position paper), ARGAIP'10
. J. Martins, J. Leite (adv.), Argumentation Systems with Social Voting, M.Sc Dissertation, 2010 (pdf)
Tech Reports:
. D. Henriques, J. G. Martins, P. Zuliani, A. Platzer, E. M. Clarke, Statistical Model Checking for Markov Decision Processes (Tech Report), CMU-CS-12-122 (pdf)
. J. Martins, A. Platzer, J. Leite, Statistical model checking for distributed probabilistic control hybrid automata with Smart Grid applications (Tech Report), CMU-CS-11-119 (pdf)

> Research Misc_ 
. Distributed Probabilistic-Control Hybrid Automata (DPCHA) Modelling & Statistical Model Checking Framework (link)
. Case Study: The Smart Grid with DPCHA (link, tech report)
. (Sub)reviewed for TABLEAUX'11, HSCC'11, ISSAC'11, LAM'11, AOSE'12, FM'12, HSCC'13, ICALP'13, SCSS'13, AAMAS'14, LAMAS'14, FM'14, CAV'15, CADE'15, FI-XX1-19
> Other Interests and Hobbies_ 
. Open letter to the President of CMU regarding the murder of Antwon Rose II
. Activism (Tech4Society [join usssss], housing, reproductive, racial, etc). Penn Plaza matters!
. Mental health (my story).
. Pro-choice escort, Tech4Society organizer (come join!), LGBTQ+ (get Safezone trained).
. Feminism, polyamory, non-violent communication, empathy, cuddles, love as a radical tactic against capitalism and consumerism.
. Blacksmithing (pics, FB album), co-founder of the Portuguese Blacksmiths Association (page, forum).
. Reading (Goodreads)!