This page includes example applications which integrate the Sphinx2 speech recognition system into the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools.
There are two example applications: You are Here and Second Sight. The first example application focuses on prepositions of place, in the context of the student creating a set of directions to navigate a treasure map. The second example focuses on forming the passive voice. Both use speech recognition, and the file for the behavior recorder and language models are all includes in the zip. You will need to replace the language model files in the "current" directory with those in the zip file, so that the recognizer's vocabulary mirrors that of the example exercises.
The examples also include code for dealing with various things, such as determing the best match given the N best hypothesis utterances from the recognizer and a list of predicted utterances, getting around some (temporary) restrictions in the authoring tool widgets, combining multiple problems into one behavior recorder file by defining problems in text files and automatically loading them (and other data such as images), etc.
Download the Examples View Screenshots of Pseudo Tutors Built Using Sphinx2-CTAT
Feel free to email me with any questions or comments: jonbrown @
© 2004, Jonathan Brown