Jeffrey S. Pierce, Randy Pausch, Chris Sturgill, Kevin Christiansen.
Designing A Successful HMD-Based Experience.
PRESENCE, vol. 8 no. 4, August 1999, pages 469-473.
Jeffrey S. Pierce and Randy Pausch.
Comparing Voodoo Dolls and HOMER: Exploring the Importance
of Feedback in Virtual Environments.
To appear at CHI 2002.
Ken Hinckley, Jeff Pierce, Mike Sinclar, and Eric Horvitz.
Sensing Techniques for Mobile Interaction.
ACM UIST 2000, CHI Letters 2 (2), pages 91-100.
Best Paper Award.
Matt Conway, Jeffrey S. Pierce, Randy Pausch, et al.
Alice: Lessons Learned from Building a 3D System for Novices..
ACM CHI 2000, pages 486-493.
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Brian Stearns, Randy Pausch.
Two Handed Manipulation of Voodoo Dolls in Virtual Environments.
1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 141-145.
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Matt Conway, Maarten Van Dantzich,
George Robertson.
Toolspaces and Glances.
1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 163-168.
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Andrew Forsberg, Matthew Conway, Seung Hong,
and Robert Zeleznik.
Image Plane Interaction Techniques in 3D Immersive Environments.
1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 39-43.
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Randy Pausch, et al.
Alice: Easy to Learn Interactive 3D Graphics.
CHI 98 Conference Companion, pages 26-27.
Jeffrey S. Pierce, Randy Pausch, et al.
Alice: Easy to Use Interactive 3D Graphics.
UIST 97 Conference Proceedings, pages 77-78.
Matthew J. Conway, Jeff Pierce, Randy, Pausch, et al.
Alice: 3D Interactive Graphics Programming Made Easy.
Demonstrated at UIST 96.