My Personal Stuff!


Disco MeI thought I'd throw in this picture of me at last year's ICES Halloween party dressed as your average everyday 70s pimp. Ain't that a hideous picture?

If you like art, here's a page with a some of mine.
Or perhaps you'd prefer these paintings by Dali, who's one of my favorite artists.
Or maybe some by M.C. Escher, another of my favorites.
Or even some nice fractals I made. Or you can find some by other people here. I like fractals.

Perhaps you'd like to view embarrassing photos of my friends and me.

My housemate Ted just got a little kitten. Here are some photos of her.

I thought about writing a little blurb here about myself, but I figure anyone who actually takes the time to look at this page is someone that knows me pretty well already.  So there isn't that much point.  However,  I will at least mention a few things about my sports teams.   I'm a big fan of the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers.  As they're now in my home state (though they didn't start playing in Nashville until the year AFTER I finished up at Vandy) I also follow the Tennessee Titans and the Nashville Predators.  When it comes to basketball, I much prefer to watch college basketball over the NBA.  I mainly follow my alma mater, Vanderbilt Commodores and occasionally the University of Memphis.  For college football, again I follow Vandy.  They managed to have a team this past season that wasn't nearly as bad as usual!

The Gang Here

The Canadian
Porn Star
The Ambiguously Gay Male Stripper, a.k.a. Evil Mike of the East, a.k.a, Stout
Good Mike of the North, a.k.a., Seltzer
The Party Page as maintained by Rich

Friends & Family Elsewhere

My brother Jeremy
My sister Jamie

Links to Other Random Places

Vanderbilt University (where I did my undergrad)
Star Wars
Back to my serious page.

by Jonathan Jackson
last modified on September 18, 1999