Welcome to Jun Gao's Home Page

    Jun Gao
    I am currently at Google. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2004. Prior to Google, I was briefly with Conviva. Before that, I worked at Riverbed for several years near South Park in San Francisco. I am a Siebel Scholar, Class of 2004.

    At CMU, I did research in computer networking and distributed systems. My advisor was Prof. Peter Steenkiste. For my Ph.D. thesis, I designed and implemented a system called Camel, which allows scalable content discovery in a fully distributed Peer-to-Peer fashion. Click here for a copy of the thesis. Before the thesis research, I worked on several topics, including active and programmable networks, network resource management, and virtual private networks. Check out my publications to see some of the results from my research.

    Over the last few years, we were often spotted either in the Bay area or western Pennsylvania. We always enjoy driving along the beautiful Pacific coast, and taking long walks on the beaches. Sometimes, we were accompanied by groups of playful dolphins! No matter how far away I am from Pittsburgh, my team is always the six-time Superbowl champion Steelers!

    jungao cs cmu edu Email on the left will reach me no matter where I am :-) Last updated on April 2009.