Physically-Based Control of Skeleton-Driven Deformable Characters People Motivation and Objective Imagine a fish character which happened to be on a dock and now is trying to escape into water. There is no hand-of-God, or a mighty external force helping it, and the only things it can rely on are its own muscles, or actuators, and the frictional contact between its body and the ground. In this situation, it would be very difficult to find a good sequence of command input on the actuators resulting in an escape. In this project, instead of developing a good motion controller or planner, we hope to make use of the user as a motion controller, borrowing their intuition about dynamic movements, because we believe that people do have a good sense of how a character should move to achieve a desired motion even for non-human characters. The goal of this project is to develop intuitive and interactive ways to realize the user’s intention in creating dynamic motions of skeleton-driven deformable body systems. Using our approach, various interesting motions of the character can be created by simply dragging the mouse in an intuitive way. Every motion is generated through dynamics simulation which is guided by the user’s control such as the mouse dragging. Project Material
Junggon Kim and Nancy Pollard,
“Interactive physically-based control of skeleton-driven deformable
characters,” Technical
report CMU-RI-TR-08-11, Robotics Institute,