GMOV (A simple motion capture data viewer)
GMOV is a simple motion capture data viewer for Windows and Linux. It supports BVH and ASF/AMC file formats.
Source Code Download: (1.4MB)
Compiling and Running:
- Windows (Prerequisites: CMAKE and Visual Studio must be installed.)
- Extract the zipped source code to a folder.
- Double-click runcmake_win.bat to create 'build' for Visual Studio.
- Open 'build/gmov.sln' in Visual Studio.
- Select 'Release' mode and press 'F7' for building solution.
- Run 'build/Release/gmov.exe' (see below for command-line usage).
- Linux (Tested with Ubuntu)
- Extract the zipped source code to a directory and move in to the directory in the Terminal.
- >>make install_dependencies_ubuntu (for installing necessary prerequisites such as cmake and freeglut)
- >>make (for compiling the source code)
- >>./gmov -bvh data/test.bvh (to run gmov and open a bvh file)
Command-line Usage:
gmov [-bvh filepath][-asf filepath][-amc filepath][-r mode][-s scale][-fr framerate][-hg][-gp px py pz][-gn nx ny nz][-help]
-bvh filepath: loads a bvh file
-asf filepath: loads an asf file
-amc filepath: loads an amc file
-r mode: rotates model: 0(DEFAULT) (rotate model: Y-up/Z-front
--> Z-up/Y-front), 1 (rotate model: Y-up/Z-front -->
Z-up/X-front), else (no rotation)
-s scale: sets length scale
-fr framerate: sets frame rate (AMC file only)
-hg: hides ground
-gp px py pz: sets ground position
-gn nx ny nz: sets ground normal
-help: shows usage
ex) >>gmov -asf ../../data/test.asf -amc ../../data/test.amc -s 0.056444 (Windows)
>>./gmov -asf data/test.asf -amc data/test.amc -s 0.056444 (Linux)
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