Some of the places in
Pittsburgh Steeler
(NFL team)
As a Pittsburgher, it’s hard not to be a fan of Pittsburgh Steeler,
which just won SuperBowl XL – the fifth championship
in its history.
Pittsburgh Symphony
PSO is one of the best orchestras in
Schenley Skating
The closest skating rink to CMU, my fun place in the winter.
Seven Springs Ski Resort
This ski resort is a great by eastern standard (which means it is not-so-great
compared with the mountains in the west), but it is only 1 hour drive from
Pittsburgh Restaurant List (mostly non-Chinese, courtesy of my
colleague Dorbin Ng)
In case you want to try something unique, this is the list you may want to
follow. I've Most places are either close to CMU and UPitt, or at Strip