2D->3D Face Model Construction
We developed a linear algorithm that uniquely recovers the 3D non-rigid shapes and poses of a human face from a 2D monocular video.

3D Head Motion Recovery in Real Time
We developed a cylindrical model-based algorithm for recovering the full motion (3D rotations and 3D translations) of the head in real time.

Face Model Building and Fitting
Techniques for building and fitting 2D and 3D models of human faces and heads.

Real-Time AAM Fitting Algorithms
Fast algorithms for fitting Cootes and Taylor's "Active Appearance Models."

Facial Expression Analysis
Automatic facial expression encoding, extraction and recognition, and expression intensity estimation for the applications of MPEG4 application: teleconferencing, human-computer interaction/interface.

Online Expression Control
We are developing methods for real-time performance-driven animation and control of three-dimensional facial expressions using a single video camera.

Human Identification at a Distance
We are developing and evaluating human identification technologies as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) sponsored program in Human Identification at a Distance (HumanID).

Face and Facial Feature Tracking
Rigid Tracking of Faces and Non-Rigid Tracking of Facial Features.



Feature Grouping and Object Detection
We developed an algorithm that groups edge feature segments based on Local and Global Grouping Factors and extracts elongate curve-like objects from images, such as roads and bridges from satellite images and blood vessels from medical images.

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Image Segmentation
We developed a nonparametric region competition algorithm that combines scale-space clustering and region competition for image segmentation. We also presented a formal and general procedure to automatically localize the initial segmentation seeds for region competition.

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Enhancement of Far Infrared Image Sequences
According to the far infrared imaging process, an ideal far infrared image would be piecewise constant. We design an adaptive spatiotemporal homomorphic filter (ASTHF) that efficiently enhances far infrared image sequences by simultaneously smoothing the inner regions of the objects and preserving their boundaries sharp.

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Single View Modeling
The project was to create 3D texture-mapped models from a single image using the method described in "Single View Metrology," by A. Criminisi, I. Reid, and A. Zisserman, ICCV 1999. The tasks consisted of image acquisition, calculating vanishing points, choosing reference points, computing textures and 3-D positions, and creating a VRML model.

Video Texture Synthesis
Given a short sample video of certain texture, such as flame and ocean wave, we developed a method to synthesize new videos of the perceptually similar texture. This approach treats a video as a 3D volume image and extend the 2D texture synthesis method described in "Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling," by A. A. Efros and T. K. Leung, ICCV 1999, to work on the 3D volumn data.

View Transformation
The task of this project is to acquire a range scan of a face and to render it from different camera viewpoints, using the image warping and visibility technique described in "Head-Tracked Stereoscopic Display Using Image Warping," by L. McMillan and G. Bishop, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems II, SPIE, 1995.
