1166 Sunnyvale Saratoga Road,
Unit# 7,
Sunnyvale, CA 94087, USA



Ph.D.,    September 1999 - May 2005
Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

Dissertation Title:      "Reconstruction, Registration, and Modeling of Deformable Object Shapes"
Advisor(s):      Professor Takeo Kanade, Professor Jeffrey Cohn

M.S.,      September 1996 - July 1999
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation , Chinese Academy of Sciences

Thesis Title:      "Image Enhancement, Segmentation, and Feature Grouping"
Advisor(s):      Professor Songde Ma

B.S.,       Septembet 1991 - July 1996
Automation Department, University of Science and Technology of China

Thesis Title:      "Automatic Road Extraction from Satellite Images"
Advisor(s):      Professor Songde Ma


Senior Member of Technical Staff - Research Scientist        June 2005 - Present
Epson Palo Alto Lab, Epson Research and Development, Inc., , Palo Alto , CA, USA

Conduct research on computer vision, pattern recognition, computer animation, and related areas. Specific topics include digital document analysis, multi-language OCR from scanned document images, feature selection, real-time 2D/3D visual tracking and modeling, face and facial expression recognition, and projector-camera systems.

Research Assistant        September 1999 - May 2005
Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh , PA, USA

Conduct research on computer vision, pattern recognition, computer animation, and related areas. Specific topics include non-rigid object shape and motion recovery from video, deformable shape registration and modeling, 3D shape reconstruction and modeling of human faces, real-time 2D/3D visual tracking, facial expression recognition, and facial animation.

Research Intern        May 2004 - August 2004
Siemens Corporate Research, Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA

Developed algorithms and programs for automatically registering, tracking, and modeling 3D deformations of the myocardial wall from 3D ultrasound images. This work led to two invention disclosures filed with Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.

Research Intern        May 2001 - August 2001
Automated Cell, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Worked as part of an interdisciplinary team to develop a system for automatic segmentation, classification, and quantification of living cells in microscopic images. The system was used to investigate the performance of antibodies in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and identify functional antibody candidates and targets. My role focused on image stabilization of microscopic images, cell segmentation, and quantification.

Research Assistant        December 1995 - July 1999
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China

Conducted research on computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and related areas. Specific topics included far-infrared image enhancement, image segmentation, feature extraction and grouping, and automatic detection and extraction of roads and bridges from satellite images and of blood vessels from medical images.

Research Assistant        February 1994 - December 1995
Advanced Process Control Lab, Automation Department, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, P.R. China

Conducted research on automatic control. Was member of a team developing a distributed control system for controlling the ambient environment in a spacecraft cabin and monitoring the health of the astronauts.


Please see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jxiao/research.html.


Journal Papers

   Deformable Object Tracking, Reconstruction, and Modeling
  2D/3D Motion Analysis and Facial Expression Recognition
  Visual Synthesis and Computer Animation
  Image Enhancement and Segmentation
  Feature Grouping and Object Detection

Conference Papers

  Deformable Object Tracking, Reconstruction, and Modeling
  2D/3D Motion Analysis and Facial Expression Recognition
  Visual Synthesis and Computer Animation
  Image Enhancement and Segmentation
  Feature Grouping and Object Detection

Technical Reports

Other Talks



Teaching Assistant        January 2003 - May 2003
Undergraduate course CS15381: "Artificial Intelligence: Problem Solving, Representation, and Learning," School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.

Designed and graded assignments, exams, and final projects; led recitation sections; supervised groups of students on their final projects; met with students during office hours; and provided online assistance using the class bulletin board.