2012 Publications
Last updated January 2012
Karl Naden, Robert Bocchino, Jonathan Aldrich, and Kevin Bierhoff. A Type System for Borrowing Permissions. In POPL '12, Philadelphia, PA, pages 557-570. ACM Press, January 2012. [more...]
Last updated January 2012
Karl Naden, Robert Bocchino, Jonathan Aldrich, and Kevin Bierhoff. A Type System for Borrowing Permissions. In POPL '12, Philadelphia, PA, pages 557-570. ACM Press, January 2012. [more...]
Last updated January 2012
Kevin Bierhoff. Automated Program Verification Made SYMPLAR. In Onward! '11, Portland, OR, pages 19-32. ACM Press, New York, October 2011. [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Nels E. Beckman, and Jonathan Aldrich. Checking Concurrent Typestate with Access Permissions in Plural: A Retrospective. In Peri L. Tarr and Alexander L. Wolf (Eds.), Engineering of Software: The Continuing Contributions of Leon J. Osterweil.  Springer, 2011. Presented at ICSE-33. [more...]
Last updated August 2010
Kevin Bierhoff, Darpan Saini, Matthew Kehrt, Majid Al-Meshari, Sangjin Han, and Jonathan Aldrich. A Language-based Approach to Specification and Enforcement of Architectural Protocols. Technical Report CMU-ISR-10-110, March 2010.  [more...]
Last updated November 2009
Taekgoo Kim, Kevin Bierhoff, Jonathan Aldrich, and Sungwon Kang. Typestate Protocol Specification in JML. In SAVCBS '09, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pages 11-18. ACM Press, New York, August 2009.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Nels E. Beckman, and Jonathan Aldrich. Practical API Protocol Checking with Access Permissions. In ECOOP '09, Genova, Italy, pages 195-219. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, July 2009. A previous version appeared as technical report CMU-ISR-09-101.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff. API Protocol Compliance in Object-Oriented Software. PhD thesis. Technical Report CMU-ISR-09-108, Carnegie Mellon University, April 2009.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Nels E. Beckman, and Jonathan Aldrich. Practical API Protocol Checking with Access Permissions. Technical Report CMU-ISR-09-101, January 2009.  [more...]
Last updated March 2009
Kevin Bierhoff and Jonathan Aldrich. Permissions to Specify the Composite Design Pattern. In SAVCBS'08, Atlanta, GA, USA, November 2008.  [more...]
Nels E. Beckman, Kevin Bierhoff, and Jonathan Aldrich. Verifying Correct Usage of Atomic Blocks and Typestate. In OOPSLA'08, Nashville, TN, USA, pages 227-244. ACM Press, New York, October 2008.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff. Checking API Protocol Compliance in Java. Research competition abstract in OOPSLA'08 Companion, Nashville, TN, USA, pages 915-916. ACM Press, New York, October 2008.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff and Jonathan Aldrich. PLURAL: Checking Protocol Compliance under Aliasing. Demonstration in ICSE-30 Companion, Leipzig, Germany, pages 971-972. ACM Press New York, May 2008.  [more...]
Last updated January 2009
Kevin Bierhoff and Jonathan Aldrich. Modular Typestate Checking of Aliased Objects. In OOPSLA '07, Montreal, Canada, pages 301-320. ACM Press, New York, October 2007. Companion Technical Report CMU-ISRI-07-105.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff and Chris Hawblitzel. Checking the Hardware-Software Interface in Spec#. In PLOS '07, Stevenson, WA, USA, October 18, 2007.  [more...]
Christopher Scaffidi, Kevin Bierhoff, Eric Chang, Mikhael Felker, Herman Ng, and Chun Jin. RedOpal: Product-Features Scoring from Reviews. In EC '07, San Diego, CA, USA, pages 182-192. ACM Press, New York, June 2007.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Mark Grechanik, and Edy S. Liongosari. Architectural Mismatch in Service-Oriented Architectures. In SDSOA'07, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 21, 2007.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff and Jonathan Aldrich. Modular Typestate Verification of Aliased Objects. Technical Report CMU-ISRI-07-105, March 2007.  [more...]
Last updated January 2009
Kevin Bierhoff. Iterator Specification with Typestates. In SAVCBS '06, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 79-82. ACM Press, New York, November 2006.  [more...]
George Fairbanks, Kevin Bierhoff, and Desmond D'Souza. Software Architecture at a Large Financial Firm. Experience report in OOPSLA '06 Companion, Portland, OR, USA, pp. 815-823. ACM Press, New York, October 2006.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Edy S. Liongosari, and Kishore S. Swaminathan. Incremental Development of a Domain-Specific Language That Supports Multiple Application Styles. In DSM '06, Portland, OR, USA, pages 79-86, October 2006.  [more...]
Kevin Bierhoff, Jonathan Aldrich, and Sangjin Han. A Language-based Approach to Specification and Enforcement of Architectural Protocols. Technical Report CMU-ISRI-07-121, April 2006.  [more...]
Andi Bejleri, Jonathan Aldrich, and Kevin Bierhoff. Ego: Controlling the Power of Simplicity. In FOOL/WOOD '06, Charleston, SC, USA, January 2006. Companion Technical Report CMU-ISRI-04-142.  [more...]
Last updated January 2009
Kevin Bierhoff and Jonathan Aldrich. Lightweight Object Specification with Typestates. In ESEC/FSE-13, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 217-226. ACM Press, New York, September 2005.  [more...]
Last updated January 2009
Andi Bejleri, Jonathan Aldrich, and Kevin Bierhoff. A Type Checked Prototype-based Model with Linearity. Technical Report CMU-ISRI-04-142, December 2004.  [more...]