The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.): Deployment Lessons Learned

Karen Zita Haigh, Liana M. Kiff, Janet Myers, Kathleen Krichbaum

Honeywell Technology Center, School of Nursing
3660 Technology Drive,University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55418Minneapolis, MN 55455

The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.) is an agent-based monitoring and support system to help elderly people to live longer in their homes by reducing caregiver burden. I.L.S.A. is a multiagent system that incorporates a unified sensing model, situation assessments, response planning, real-time responses and machine learning. This paper describes the six-month study of the system we fielded in elder's homes and the major we lessons learned about deployment.

  • PDF (6 pages, 180K)
  • See also the final report, from which this WS paper is extracted: PDF (39 pages, 580K)
  • @inproceedings{haigh-ilsadeployment04,
            author="Karen Zita Haigh and Liana M. Kiff and Janet Myers and
                          Kathleen Krichbaum",
            title="The {I}ndependent {L}ife{S}tyle
                       {A}ssistant$^{\mbox{\tiny\sc TM}}$ ({I.L.S.A.}):
                    Deployment Lessons Learned",
            month="July", year=2004,
            booktitle="AAAI WS on Fielding Applications of AI",
            address="San Jose, CA"