Interleaving Planning and Robot Execution for Asynchronous User Requests
Karen Zita Haigh and Manuela Veloso,
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
IROS 96. Pages 148-155
This paper describes ROGUE, an integrated planning and
executing robotic agent. ROGUE is designed to be a
roving office gopher unit, doing tasks such as picking up & delivering mail and
returning & picking up library books, in a setup where users can post tasks for
the robot to do. We have been working towards the goal of building a completely
autonomous agent which can learn from its experiences and improve upon its own
behaviour with time. This paper describes what we have achieved to-date: (1) a
system that can generate and execute plans for multiple interacting goals which
arrive asynchronously and whose task structure is not known a priori,
interrupting and suspending tasks when necessary, and (2) a system which can
compensate for minor problems in its domain knowledge, monitoring execution to
determine when actions did not achieve expected results, and replanning to
correct failures.