
Astronomy and Space Links

Current Space Shuttle Mission Info -- up-to-date Shuttle information
NASA Watch -- lots of news and editorial comments about NASA
SpaceRef -- more information about space stuff, including shuttle missions
Spacelink - NASA's collection of information and educational material about space

International Lunar Exploration Working Group
SpaceViews - newsletter of the National Space Society
Space News

The Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System, very well done, with lots of pictures and movies
NASA's Welcome to the Planets - some of the best pictures, well organized and annotated with detailed information about each planet
General Astronomy Information - short understandable articles from the Royal Greenwich Observatory
Astronomy Magazine - Web site for astronomy hobbyists' magazine
AstroWeb - collection of links to all sorts of astronomy-related items, very comprehensive and well organized

Lunar and Planetary Institute - Houston, Texas
American Astronomical Society

Book Links

Del Rey - news, sample chapters
Tor books - news, sample chapters
Tall Tales - a book dealer on the Internet

Miscellaneous Links

The Klingon Language Institute - learn to speak Klingon
The Sci-Fi Channel
Digital Pizza
The homepage for Hawaii

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