Lab Instructions
The machines in the graphics cluster are named:
where # is an integer between 1 and 25.
To setup your account so that you can log into the machines in the
graphics cluster, follow these steps.
In your Andrew home directory in AFS, make a directory called 15-497
cd /afs/andrew/usr/<user>
mkdir 15-497
Change to the new directory.
cd 15-497
In the new directory set the access rights for system:campusnet to rl.
This can be done with
fs sa . system:campusnet rl
Note that the directory 15-497 must be readable by everyone, so do not
store assignment-related files there!
In that directory create a file called .klogin which contains only the
Create another file called .login which contains all commands to be be
called during login. Two lines that would be convenient to have in there
would be
kinit <user>@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
they will get the required Kerberos and Andrew tickets.
when logging into one of the machines your login ID will be
and your password will be your normal Andrew password.