Kiran S. Bhat, Rony Goldenthal, Yuting Ye, Ronald Mallet and Michael Koperwas. High Fidelity Facial Animation Capture and Retargeting With Contours. SCA 2013 (SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation).
Kiran S. Bhat, Steven Seitz, Jessica Hodgins and Pradeep Khosla. Flow-based Video Synthesis and Editing. SIGGRAPH 2004.
Kiran S. Bhat, Christopher D. Twigg, Jessica K.
Hodgins, Pradeep K. Khosla, Zoran Popovic and Steven M. Seitz. Estimating
Cloth Simulation Parameters from Video. SIGGRAPH Symposium
on Computer Animation, San Diego, July 2003.
Kiran S. Bhat, Steven. M. Seitz, Jovan Popovic and
Pradeep Khosla. Computing the Physical Parameters of
Rigid-body Motion from Video. Proc. 7th. European Conference on Computer
Vision (ECCV), part I, pages 551-566, Copenhagen, Denmark, May
28-31, 2002.
- Kiran S .Bhat, Mahesh Saptharishi and Pradeep Khosla. Motion
Detection and Segmentation with Pan-Tilt Cameras Using Image Mosaics, IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Vol. 3, July, 2000, pp.
- Mahesh Saptharishi et al., Distributed
Surveillance and Reconnaissance Using Multiple Autonomous ATVs: CyberScout,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation: Special Issue on
Multi-Robot Systems, October 2002, Vol 18, No. 5, pp. 826-836.