16-831 Statistical Techniques in Robotics [Fall 2018]
Fall 2018
Tentative Topics:
- Online Learning Theory
- Prediction with Expert Advice
- Randomized Greed
- Regret
- Weighted Majority Algorithm
- Online Classification
- Online Perceptron
- Online Winnow Algorithm
- Online SVM
- Online Convex Optimization
- Follow the Regularized Leader
- Online Gradient Descent
- Exponential Gradient and Sparsity
- Bandits
- Supervised Learning
- Gradient Boosting
- Gaussian Processes
- Non-linear Kernel Methods
- Adversarial Learning
- Matrix Games, Minimax
- Data Augmentation
- Inverse Reinforcement Learning (MaxEnt, Max-Margin, GAN)
- Graphical Models
- Random Fields
- Bayesian Estimation
- Kalman Filtering
- Hidden Markov Models
- Particle Filtering