Recent Publications
- Klusch, M. (Ed.), 1999,
Intelligent Information Agents,
Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-65112-8.
- Klusch, M. and Weiß, G. (Eds.), 1998
Cooperative Information Agents II -
Learning, Mobility, and Electronic Commerce for Information Discovery in the Internet;
Proceedings of Second International Workshop CIA-98 on Cooperative Information Agents,
Paris, July 4 - 7, 1998, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1435, Springer Verlag.
Kandzia,P. and Klusch, M. (Eds.), 1997,
Cooperative Information Agents;
Proceedings of First International Workshop CIA-97 on Cooperative Information Agents,
Kiel, February 26 - 18, 1997, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 1202, Springer Verlag.
Klusch, M., Cooperative Information Agents on the Internet;
PhD Thesis, Computer Science Dept., University of Kiel, December 1996 (in German)
Kovac Verlag, Hamburg, April 1998, ISBN 3-86064-746-6
Journals, Conferences, and Book Chapters
- Sycara, K., Lu, J., Klusch, M., and Widoff, S., 1999
Dynamic Service Matchmaking among Agents in Open Information Environments,
Journal ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on Semantic Interoperability in Global Information Systems,
Eds.: A. Ouksel, A. Sheth.
- Contreras, J., Klusch, M., Vielhak, T., Yen, J., and Wu, F., 1999
Multi-Agent Coalition Formation in Transmission Planning: Bilateral Shapley Value and Kernel Approaches,
13th International Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC-99), Trondheim, Norway. submitted.
- Klusch, M. and Benn,W., 1998,
Intelligent Informationagents on the Internet,
German Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue on Intelligent
Information Agents, Elisabeth Andre und Thomas Rist (Eds.),
September 1998, Springer Verlag. (in German)
- Sycara, K., Lu, J., and Klusch, M., 1998,
Interoperability among Heterogeneous Software Agents on the Internet
Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-98-22, CMU Pittsburgh, USA.
- Contreras, J., Klusch, M. and Yen, J., 1998,
Multi-Agent Coalition Formation in Power Transmission Planning,
Proc. 4. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Planning
Systems (AIPS-98), June 8-10, 1998, Pittsburgh (USA).
- Klusch, M., Contreras, J., Wu, F. and Shehory, O., 1997,
Coalition Formation in a Power Transmission Planning Environment;
Proc. 2. International Conference on Practical Applications of Multi-Agent Systems PAAM-97,
21.-23.4.1997, London (UK)
- Klusch, M. and Shehory, O., 1996,
A Polynomial Kernel-Oriented Coalition Algorithm for Rational Information Agents;
Proc. 2. International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, 9.-13.12.1996, Kyoto (Japan), AAAI Press
- Klusch, M., 1996, Utilitarian coalition formation between information agents;
Chapter 13 in: S. Kirn and G. O'Hare (Eds.), Cooperative Knowledge Processing,
Springer Verlag, London
Klusch, M., 1995, Coalition-based cooperation between intelligent agents
for a contextual recognition of interdatabase dependencies
Proc. 1. Intern. Conference on Multi-Agent Systems ICMAS-95,
12.-14.6.1995, San Francisco
- Klusch, M., 1994, The Use of a Hybrid Neural System for the Classification of Stars,
International Journal on Vistas in Astronomy, Vol. 38 (3), Special Issue on Neural Network Applications in Astronomy,
Elsevier Science Ltd., pp.299-307
Klusch, M., 1993, HNS: a hybrid neural system and its use for the classification of stars,
Proc. Intern. Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN-93, 10/1993, Nagoya (Japan), pp.687-692
Klusch, M., and Napiwotzki, R., 1993, HNS - a hybrid neural system and its use for the classification of stars,
European Journal on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 276, pp.309-319
Workshops and Symposia
- Sycara, K., Lu, J., Klusch, M., and Widoff, S., 1999
Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Agents in the Internet,
Proceedings AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Agents in Cyberspace, Stanford, USA.
- Klusch, M. and Shehory, O., 1996,
Coalition Formation Among Rational Information Agents;
Proc. 7. European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World MAAMAW-96,
22.-25.1.1996, Eindhoven (Netherlands), W. van de Velde/J. Perram (Hrsg.)
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI Series Vol. 1038, S.204-217, Springer Verlag
Klusch, M., 1995,
Cooperative Recognition of Interdatabase Dependencies
ACM SIGMOD Proc. 2. Intern. Workshop on Advances in Databases and
Information Systems ADBIS-95, 27.-30.6.1995, Moskau, J. Eder/L.A. Kalinichenko (Hrsg.)
Workshops in Computing Series, S.255-265, Springer Verlag
Klusch, M., 1995,
Utilitarian coalition formation between information agents for a
cooperative discovery of interdatabase dependencies;
Proc. 19. German National Conference on Artificial Intelligence KI-95,
Workshop on Organizational Aspects in Multiagent Systems, 11.-13.9.1995, Bielefeld
Klusch, M., 1995,
Cooperative Recognition of Interdatabase Dependencies
Proc. Intern. Workshop on Description Logics DL-95, 2.-3.6.1995, Rom
Klusch, M., 1995,
Towards a federative cell system FCSI for a context-based recognition
of interdatabase dependencies
Proc. 18. Intern. ETCE-95, Symposium on Knowledge-based Systems in Engineering Applications,
29.1.-1.2.1995, Houston (USA), ASME PD-Vol. 67, pp. 233-240
Klusch, M., 1994,
Using a cooperative agent system FCSI for a context-based recognition
of interdatabase dependencies
Proc. CIKM-94 Wshp. on Intelligent Information Agents, 2.12.1994,
Gaithersburg (USA)
Klusch, M., 1994,
Using a hybrid neural system for astronomical classification tasks,
Proc. ME-94 'Mustererkennung', 21.9.-24.9.1994, Wien,
TU Wien Informatik XPress 5, pp.281-287