Kurt Kammerer Living Systems AG, Villingen, Germany. ___________________________ Web Personalization with living agents The problem: Large Websites have several 1000s of visitors per day without being able to tell one visitor from another. Visitors easily get lost in thousands of webpages, as non-individual navigation and retrieval options can not deliver the kind of personalized information/content, which a user expects to get. In the real world, one-to-one marketing is a preprequisite for their business. Consequently, they want one-to-one strategies to be also applied to their virtual marketplace, i.e. their website. Visitors with similar profiles could be addressed as a community. Our living agents approach: We distinguish between content and user profiles, each being presented by living agents. Profile metrics measure the distance between profiles. Short distances signal some relevance, whereas long distances signal low relevance. Example I: If the profile of content A is adjacent to the profile of user B, there is a good chance, that user A is interested in information B. Example II: If the distance between profile of user B and profile of user C is short, they may belong to the same user cluster (community). These profile considerations allow us to present content to a user in his/her individual preference order. So, content is presented in a benefit-oriented order with max. benefit content being presented first. Profiles are dynamic and are updated with every step a user takes. This tracking information feeds the user profile. Content profiles are updated accordingly. So, the matching process between content and users is an ongoing task and provides different results depending on the very moment of matching (due to the dynamic nature of user and content profiles.). Profile information can be used for both supporting one-to-one strategies as well as the definition of communities (profiles within a certain circle) in a profile datawarehouse. Our cartoon-prototype: We have developed a prototype, which allows a user to rate cartoons (political, business, daily events,....). The profile of the user and the content are then updated accordingly. If the rating is negative, the distance between those profiles increases and vice versa. The dynamic nature of content and user profiles becomes obvious as the sort order may change on user transactions.