I am a Software Engineer living in the south hills of Pittsburgh with my husband, Robert Smith, and two dogs, Teffa (a Kerry Blue Terrier) and Lucky (a rescue Miniature Schnauzer). I am also Dame Elsbeth Anne Roth in the Society of Creative Anachronism (the SCA).
Research Interests
- Dissertation title: “A Denotational approach to measuring complexity in functional programs”
- Topics related to the disseration include: both denotational and operational
semantics, use of category theory in semantics, monads, complexity analysis, functional programs
- Other interests include: design of functional and object-oriented programming
languages, formal analysis of programs, domain specific languages.
- Work-related interests include Agile programming (especially Test Driven Design), refactoring tools, domain specific languages, object-relational mappings, code generation.
Current languages: Ruby, Java, Python
Languages to learn:Haskell
- Brookes, S. and Van Stone, K., “Monads and Comonads in Intensional Semantics.”
Technical Report CMU-CS-93-140, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer
Science, 1993. In postscript
- Van Stone, K. A Denotational Approach to Measuring Complexity in Functional Programs. PhD. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, 2003. Abstract, in postscript, in pdf.
Current Projects
- I am currently working out Ruby versions of the examples from JUnit Recipes.
- I am currently creating an Test Driven Development example of a scheduler as part of a talk I gave at the Pittsburgh Ruby Users group.
- I am analyzing some medieval music (instrumental and choral) so see both what form of cadences they use but also in approximately what percentages.
- I am currently working on expanding the study of 16th century Spanish names (see above article) based on a catalog of passengers from Spain to the New World. I am looking for proofreading help — if anyone is interested please contact me above.
- I am also working on an analysis of Portugese armory (on hold for now)
- Hopefully soon I will restart agility training with my dog Lucky, a miniature schnauzer
Current club groups
- Pittsburgh Java Users Group
- Pittsburgh Ruby Users Group
- Coding Dojo
- The Society for Creative Anachronism, as noted earlier. Within it I am a member of the choral group The Debatable Choir and the instrumental group The Debatable Consort.
- Golden Triangle Obedience Training Club