LCR98 Workshop Program
Rangos 3, Carnegie Mellon University Center

THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1998

09:00am - 09:10am, Welcome.

09:10am - 10:30am, Session 1 (Irregular Applications),
Chair: Dave O'Hallaron, Carnegie Mellon

Expressing Irregular Computations in Modern Fortran Dialects
Jan F. Prins, Siddhartha Chatterjee, and Martin Simons, University of North Carolina.

Memory System Support for Irregular Applications
John Carter, Wilson Hsieh, Mark Swanson, Lixin Zhang, Erik Brunvand, Al Davis, Chen-Chi Kuo, Ravindra Kuramkote, Michael Parker, Lambert Schaelicke, Leigh Stoller, and Terry Tateyama, University of Utah.

10:30am - 11:00am, Break

11:00am - 12:20pm, Session 2 (Compilers I),
Chair: Thomas Gross, Carnegie Mellon

MENHIR: An Environment for High Performance Matlab
Stephane Chauveau and Francois Bodin, IRISA-INRIA.

On the Automatic Parallelization of Sparse and Irregular Fortran Programs
Yuan Lin and David Padua, University of Illinois.

12:20pm - 02:00pm, Lunch (on your own)

02:00pm - 03:20pm, Session 3 (Compilers II),
Chair: Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M University

Loop Transformations for Hierarchical Parallelism and Locality
Vivek Sarkar, IBM Watson Research Center.

Dataflow Analysis Driven Dynamic Data Partitioning
Jodi Tims, Rajiv Gupta, and Mary Lou Soffa, University of Pittsburgh.

03:20pm - 03:50pm, Break

03:50pm - 05:50pm, Session 4 (Integrated Compilers/Run-time Systems),
Chair: Peter Brezany, University of Vienna

A Case for Combining Compile-Time and Run-Time Parallelization
Sungdo Moon, Byoungro So, Mary Hall, and Brian Murphy, USC Information Sciences Institute.

Compiler and Run-time Support for Adaptive Load Balancing in Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems
Sotiris Ioannidis and Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester.

Efficient Interprocedural Data Placement Optimisation in a Parallel Library
Olav Beckmann and Paul H. J. Kelly, Imperial College.

06:00pm - 08:00pm Reception/Poster Session, College of Fine Arts Lobby
(Food and open bar with wine and beer)

Locality Enhancement for Large-Scale Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Tarik Abdelrahman, Naraig Manjikian, Gary Liu, and S. Tandri, University of Toronto.

Language and Compiler Support for Out-of-Core Irregular Applications on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors
Peter Brezany, University of Vienna, Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University, and Minh Dang, University of Vienna.

Detection of Races and Control-Flow Nondeterminism
Mindong Feng and Chung Kwong Yuen, National University of Singapore.

Improving Locality in Out-of-Core Computations Using Data Layout Transformations
M. Kandemir, Syracuse University, A. Choudhary, Northwestern University, and J. Ramanujam, Louisiana State University.

Optimizing Computational and Spatial Overheads in Complex Transformed Loops
Dattatraya Kulkarni, IBM Toronto Laboratory, and Michael Stumm, University of Toronto.

Building a Conservative Parallel Simulation with Existing Component Libraries
Chu-Cheow Lim and and Yoke-Hean Low, Gintic Inst of Manufacturing Technology.

A Coordination Layer for Exploiting Task Parallelism with HPF
Salvatore Orlando, Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, and Raffaele Perego, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.

Interact: Virtual Sharing for Interactive Client-Server Applications
Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester.

Standard Templates Adaptive Parallel Library (STAPL)
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Francisco Arzu, and Koji Ouchi, Texas A&M.

FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1998

09:00am - 10:30am Session 5 (Run-time systems I),
Chair: Terry Pratt, NASA CESDIS

A Framework for Specializing Threads in Concurrent Run-Time Systems
Gregory D. Benson and Ronald A. Olsson, UC Davis.

Load Balancing with Migrant Lightweight Threads
David Cronk, College of William and Mary, and Piyush Mehrotra, ICASE.

10:30am - 11:00am, Break

11:00am - 12:20pm, Session 6 (Run-time systems II),
Chair: Boleslaw Szymanski, RPI

Integrated Task and Data Parallel Support for Dynamic Applications
James M. Rehg, Kathleen Knobe, Umakishore Ramachandran, Rishiyur S. Nikhil, and Arun Chauhan, DEC Cambridge Research Laboratory.

Supporting Self-Adaptivity for SPMD Message-Passing Applications
M. Cermele, M. Colajanni, and S. Tucci, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata".

12:20pm - 2:00pm, Lunch (on your own)

02:00pm - 3:20pm, Session 7 (Performance Evaluation I),
Chair: Alan Sussman, University of Maryland

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Parallelizing Compiler
Dixie Hisley, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Gagan Agrawal and Lori Pollock, University of Delaware.

Comparing Reference Counting and Global Mark-and-Sweep on Parallel Computers
Hirotaka Yamamoto, Kenjiro Taura, and Akinori Yonezawa, University of Tokyo.

03:20pm - 3:50pm, Break

03:50pm - 5:50pm, Session 8 (Performance Evaluation II),
Chair: Sandhya Dwarkadis, University of Rochester

Design of the GODIVA Performance Measurement System
Terrence W. Pratt, NASA CESDIS.

Instrumentation Database for Performance Analysis of Parallel Scientific Applications
Jeffrey Nesheiwat and Boleslaw K. Szymanski, RPI.

A Performance Prediction Framework for Data Intensive Applications on Large Scale Parallel Machines
Mustafa Uysal, Tahsin Kurc, Alan Sussman, and Joel Saltz, University of Maryland.

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1998

09:00am - 10:30am, Session 9 (Compilers III),
Chair: Rajiv Gupta, University of Pittsburgh

MARS:A Distributed Memory Approach to Shared Memory Compilation
M.F.B O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh.

More on Scheduling Block-Cyclic Array Redistribution
Frédéric Desprez(1), Stéphane Domas(1), Jack Dongarra(2,3), Antoine Petitet(2), Cyril Randriamaro(1), and Yves Robert(1), (1) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, (2) University of Tennessee, and (3) Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

10:30am - 11:00am, Break

11:00am - 01:00pm, Session 10 (Run-time systems III),
Chair: Jaspal Subhlok, Carnegie Mellon

Flexible and Optimized IDL Compilation for Distributed Applications
Eric Eide, Jay Lepreau, and James L. Simister, University of Utah.

QoS Aspect Languages and their Runtime Integration
Joseph P. Loyall, David E. Bakken, Richard E. Schantz, John A. Zinky, David A. Karr, Rodrigo Vanegas, and Kenneth R. Anderson, BBN Technologies.

Statistical Properties of Host Load in a Distributed Environment
Peter A. Dinda, Carnegie Mellon.

01:00pm - 01:15pm, Wrapup