December 11 |
CALD Seminar scheduled.
John Lafferty,
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms for Calculating Noninformative Bayesian Priors and Minimax Risk
December 11 |
David Cohn,
The Missing Link - Probabilistic Models of Hypertext,
ppt slides
December 4 |
CALD Seminar scheduled.
Zoubin Ghahramani (University College London),
Bayesian Learning of Model Structure
November 20 |
Drew Bagnell,
Policy Search Methods for Robustness and Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
Joelle Pineau,
Hierarchical Policy Constraint for POMDP Planning and Execution,
full color slides,
ppt slides
November 13 |
Rayid Ghani,
Bayesian Averaging of Classifiers and the Overfitting Problem by Pedro Domingos,
ppt slides
Chuck Rosenberg,
A Unified Bias-Variance Decomposition and its Applications by Pedro Domingos,
Slides |
October 16 |
Alexander Gray,
'N-Body' Problems in Statistical Learning
October 9 |
ICML / COLT / UAI Review,
Intro Slides,
October 2 |
CALD Seminar scheduled.
William Cohen (WhizBang),
Extracting information from the Web for Concept Learning and Collaborative Filtering
September 25 |
John Langford,
An Improved Margin Bound,
September 18 |
Daphne Koller (Stanford),
Inference and learning in models of complex stochastic systems,
May 9 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Yoav Freund's (AT&T) talk in WeH 5409 at 3:30pm,
Decision Trees, Margins and Brownian Motion
May 1 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Maja Mataric's (USC) talk,
Robot Teams and Humanoids on Their Best Behavior: Principled Behavior-Based Control and Learning
April 24 |
Bryan Singer,
Machine Learning Meets Signal Processing Algorithm Optimization,
April 18 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Michael Kearns's (AT&T) talk in WeH 5409,
A Reinforcement Learning Dialogue System
April 17 |
A related talk scheduled.
Check out Sridhar Rajagopalan's (IBM) talk at 3:30pm in Posner Hall 146,
The web graph: structure and interpretation
April 17 |
Dana Angluin (Yale),
Robot Localization in a Grid
April 14 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Santosh Vempala's (MIT) talk at 3:30pm in WeH 5409,
On Clusterings --- Good, Bad and Spectral, the Manjara search engine
April 14 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Adam Kalai's Thesis Proposal at 1pm in WeH 5409,
Probabilistic and On-Line Methods in Machine Learning
April 10 |
John Langford,
Distribution Dependent PAC bounds,
April 3 |
Kary Myers,
A Boosting Approach to Topic Spotting on Subdialogues,
March 20 |
Andrew Mccallum,
Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Information Extraction and Segmentation,
March 13 |
Bill Smart (MIT),
Getting Reinforcement Learning to Work on Real Robots
March 6 |
Adam Berger,
Learning to Summarize Web Pages,
February 28 |
Shumeet Baluja,
Opportunities for Machine Learning on the Internet
February 14 |
Rich Caruana,
Providing Case-based Explanations for Non-Case-based Methods
Such as Artificial Neural Nets or Complex Decision Trees,
January 18 |
No regular talk scheduled.
Check out Tommi Jaakkola's (MIT) talk at 3:30pm in WeH 5409 entitled
Maximum Entropy Approach to Classification with Incomplete Labels and Other Discrimination Problems