November 17 |
Robert Murphy
(CMU Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering),
Machine Learning Challenges in Location Proteomics,
October 27 |
Curt Bererton,
Auction Mechanism Design for Multi-Robot Coordination
October 20 |
David Andre,
Programmatic Reinforcement Learning
October 13 |
Conference Review Session.
Vincent Conitzer,
BL-WoLF: A Framework For Loss-Bounded Learnability In Zero-Sum Games,
Brendan McMahan,
Planning in the Presence of Cost Functions Controlled by an Adversary,
October 6 |
Ting Liu,
New Algorithms for
Efficient High-dimensional Nonparametric Classification
September 29 |
Conference Review Session.
Yan Liu, A New Boosting Algorithm Using Input-Dependent Regularizer, ICML-2003.
Mugizi Robert Rwebangira, Improving the Graph Mincut Approach to Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Examples, ICML-2003.
Maria Florina Balcan, Sample Complexity When Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data, ICML-2003.
September 22 |
Conference Review Session.
Jian Zhang, Modified Logistic Regression: An Approximation to SVM and Its Applications in Large-Scale Text Categorization, ICML-2003.
Yi Zhang, Exploration and Exploitation in Adaptive Filtering Based on Bayesian Active Learning, ICML-2003.
Li Fan, A Loss Function Analysis for Classification Methods in Text Categorization, ICML-2003.
September 15 |
Brigham Anderson,
Galactic Morphology via Eigengalaxies
August 28 |
Zoubin Ghahramani,
Bayesian Learning in Undirected Graphical Models,
August 18 |
Phil Cowans (University of Cambridge),
A Language Model Using Products of Experts
May 5 |
Rob Sim (McGill University),
On Visual Maps and their Automatic Construction
May 1 |
Tucker Balch (Georgia Tech), Social Insects: A Domain for AI Research
April 30 |
Michael Littman (Rutgers University)
Peter Stone (University of Texas at Austin),
Automated Bidding Strategies and the Power of Threats
April 21 |
Ricardo Silva,
Learning Measurement Models
March 10 |
Joelle Pineau,
Approximate POMDP Planning: Overcoming the Curse of History
March 3 |
Nicholas Roy,
POMDPs for Fun and Profit
February 24 |
Avrim Blum, Synopsis of the
ALADDIN Workshop on Graph Partitioning in Vision and Machine Learning
February 17 |
Postponed because of snow.
February 10 |
Curt Bererton,
Repairable Robot Teams: Modeling, Planning, and Construction
February 3 |
Woncheol Jang,
Nonparametric Density Estimation and Clustering with Application to Cosmology
January 27 |
NIPS Review Session,
Maxim Likhachev, Drew Bagnell, and Guy Lebanon will present